Main > Diseases> Language cancer

Language cancer

Short characteristic of a disease

Симптомы рака языка

Such malignant tumor as cancer of language proceeds from a flat epithelium and is planocellular cancer. High-quality such tumors, as a rule, do not happen.

Cancer of language is characterized by availability of infiltrate - accumulations in fabrics of cancer cells with impurity of blood and lymphatic liquid. The fact that language is in close proximity to a brain and large blood vessels does a tumor (language cancer) extremely dangerous.

Language cancer reasons

It is possible to distinguish one, most important reason from all reasons of cancer of language – smoking. Tobacco smoke contains 196 toxic compounds and 14 narcotic. Products of their burning are cancerogenic and can cause not only cancer of language, but also lung cancer, throats, a gullet, etc. Even if in day you do not smoke also a pack floor, all of you equally are in risk group.

Other reasons of development of cancer of language:

  • Mechanical injuries mucous can also become the reason of development of cancer of language.  It can be different cuts and frequent biting.
  • On mucous language it is necessary to show consideration for the got thermal and corrosive burns, checking language for existence of consolidations, white and red spots.
  • Excessive use of alcoholic beverages.

Statistically, language cancer occurs at men by 7 times more often than at women. For this reason men need to monitor in the most attentive way all changes in an organism which, perhaps, are language cancer symptoms.

Language cancer symptoms

Primary symptoms of cancer of language, as a rule, remain unnoticed. Treat primary symptoms of cancer of language:

  • The white spots (which are often taken for a usual plaque), reddenings and pain in the field of language.
  • Consolidation in language (it is preferential on a side part).
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes which are under a jaw.

If symptoms of cancer of language remained unaddressed the patient, further development of a disease will cause:

  • The formed infiltrate shortly breaks up, causing, to put it mildly, an unpleasant smell from a mouth. Moreover, decomposition products which got to blood, cause intoxication of the patient.
  • The ulcers which developed on site infiltrate disintegration can bleed and cause severe pain.
  • The fact that most of people at the first symptoms of cancer of language do not address the stomatologist and the oncologist leads to the fact that the tumor imperceptible at first sight begins to expand. It gets deep into language, depriving of it an opportunity to move normally. During this period change in the speech, diction disturbance is observed.

Cancer therapy of language

Cancer therapy of language practically differs in nothing from treatment of other oncological diseases: also three ways of treatment are applied. Depending on a stage of development of cancer of language, size of a tumor and the general condition of the patient doctors appoint or one of these a way, or their combination.

  • Radiation therapy. For the 1st and 2nd stages of cancer of language the contact gamma therapy when the source of radiation is at distance of 3-6 cm from a body surface of the patient is applicable. The remote gamma therapy is applied to the 3rd and 4th stages. In the special camera the tumor is subjected to radiation that leads to its destruction. But it is worth remembering that together with cancer cells also healthy cells therefore one of side effects of radiation therapy - a burn on the face perish.
  • Cancer therapy of language assumes in the surgical way a section of the tissues of oral cavity preventing to be risen to the inflammation center. Such measures are taken only if the tumor of cancer of language is extended to a mouth floor. Partial/full removal of language and a bottom of the sky is characteristic of cancer therapy of language. Surgical intervention is authorized only at the localized tumor which is not burgeoning in the next bodies.
  • The chemotherapy is designed to suppress cancer cells effect of the caustic chemical drugs administered intravenously. The chemotherapy is very effective as independent method of controlling with language cancer, and in combination with radiation therapy. The renal failure, a bladder and a nervous system can become an effect of chemotherapy.

Прополис - эффективное средство для лечения рака языка

Cancer therapy of language is possible, and most often it takes place successfully and without complications. All question only in a stage of development of cancer of language, in overall health and in hope of the patient for recovery.

In the majority, oncological patients completely recover therefore the forecast of cancer of language can be very favorable. After the correct and timely cancer therapy of language about 80% of people are restored to full-fledged life; at cancer of language of the 3rd and 4th degree the absolute recovery occurs at 35% of patients.

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