
Face fitness of Revitonik represents a physiologic method on recovery of very tectonics of a neck and person. It is based on the principle of regulation of front and skeletal muscles.

Ревитоника - упражнения для мышц лица

Reviews of Revitonika confirm the fact that she is a worthy alternative of plastic surgery, and in certain cases, for example, at a chin reconstruction, lengthening of a neck and formation of a young corner of a jaw, Revitonika is more effective than plastics.

Revitonik's complex is receptions and exercises for systematic work in house conditions. Thanks to such occupations rejuvenation process is started, the broken functions of an organism are recovered. Engaged in Revitonika independently work on alignment of balance of a back and front body surface, adjust face lifting and necks, and also a lymphatic drainage. As a result of the done actions the capillary network is recovered and puffiness of a nadcherepny aponeurosis decreases.

Vector of influence of a complex of Revitonik

The system of exercises of Revitonika is directed on:

  • Removal of muscular blocks;
  • Start of a lymphatic drainage of tissues of neck and person;
  • Recovery of a statics of a neck and bearing;
  • Work with group mimic and masseters;
  • Activation of a blood-groove in network of capillaries.

Revitonik's complex is the real catalyst of change of world views of processes of aging of the person and neck. The offered system of exercises and knowledge gives to any woman a unique opportunity for the solution of its individual problems, whether it be small wrinkles in youth, or revival of all person at more mature age.

Such universality by the fact that Revitoniki's exercises are developed taking into account knowledge of biohydraulics, biomechanics and the key principles of an osteopathy is explained. The "return" osteopathic principles of work are the cornerstone of a method, they follow natural natural system of self-control of an organism and help to remove muscular clips and blocks.

Indirect (or the return) technology of treatment are absolutely safe because are built in system of regulation of balance of a human body at the local and global levels. They do not "specify" to a body where and that to it "to move", the purpose such the technician – to go after deformation and to help an organism to untangle its "node".

Anatomic base of Revitoniki

The system of fastion supporting and combining all facial tissues and bodies is in a lens of attention of face fitness of Revitonik. According to anatomy, the human body is structured just at the expense of connecting fabric (microfibrils and fastion), its specific weight makes 70%. From this importance of fascial system for beauty and health of the person follows.

Fascia manage a tension of muscles and entangle all body, combining at the same time the head and a face with all, even the remote sites. Thanks to understanding of these internal interrelations, it is possible to find out not only the reasons of many age changes, but also to simulate a face, to change its form and lines, to participate in process of tightening of its contour and in rejuvenation.

According to Revitoniki's principle ("the body is uniform") the person is continuation of a trunk, that is the imbalance of skeletal muscles, back and front body surfaces (a bearing, a neck statics, a condition of a musculoskeletal system) is the main reason for its age changes.

Changes of skin (a wrinkle, a fold, an obvisaniye) are caused by influence of the deformed bones of a skull and the growing old muscles. Therefore those who decided to carry out Revitoniki's exercises should know that the real reasons causing age changes of features are deformations of all musculoskeletal system.

For example, the main responsible for formation of a double chin and puffiness of the person it becomes very frequent a hyper tone (spasm) of occipital muscles because of what outflow of liquid environments is broken, and they collect in fabrics.

Особенности фитнеса для лица Ревитоники

Recovering a bearing and a statics of a neck, a lymph flow and a blood stream, working on balance of a tension of fastion, it is possible to give a new incentive to self-regulatory mechanisms of an organism that will allow to get rid of the majority of "age" defects.

Revitoniki's method, according to reviews, yields excellent results not only for lifting of face muscles, correction of a figure and lengthening of a neck, but also improves health: engaged speak about normalization of arterial pressure, improvement of sight and note reduction of headaches.

Thus, Revitonika is the only unique system of face fitness having the following features:

  • Scientific validity and the experimental proof (therefore, safety for health);
  • Uniqueness of an algorithm of performance of the special exercises directed to modeling of a neck and person;
  • Revitonika is based on natural abilities of a human body to self-rejuvenation and self-recovery.
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