Main > Diseases> Pseudorheumatism


Pseudorheumatism this general autoimmune disease with preferential damage of joints to which the chronic current with aggravations is peculiar. A disease people at any age, even children (a juvenile pseudorheumatism) have, but more often later there are 40 years, women are subject to it more than men.

Reasons of development of a pseudorheumatism

Симптомы ревматоидного артритаFailure in immune system is the main reason for development of a pseudorheumatism. Because of the happened failure of a cell of this system begin to react to own body tissues as on foreign, and to destroy them. At a pseudorheumatism immune cells aggressively react first of all to synovial fabric (the fabric covering from within a joint bag) and to cartilaginous tissue of joints.

The reason of similar failure in immune system remains obscure. There are factors promoting the beginning of autoimmune reaction though to a feedforward between them and a pseudorheumatism it is not established. Such factors are:

  • Viral infection;
  • Genetic predisposition (cases of rheumatic diseases among close relatives);
  • Existence of chronic diseases;
  • The postponed stress;
  • Excessive exercise stress;
  • Overcooling of an organism;
  • Long stay in conditions of dampness and cold.

Now doctors incline to opinion that the genetic defect started in action by the infectious agent in the presence of the contributing factors takes place, that is set of conditions is an origin of a pseudorheumatism.

Pseudorheumatism symptoms

The disease begins as usual arthritis, most often with damage of symmetric joints of extremities. All symptoms of a pseudorheumatism are shown: the affected joint pain, a swelling, mobility restriction, a joint becomes hot to the touch. Sometimes these phenomena are followed by deterioration in the general state: the increased temperature, weakness, a loss of appetite, etc. In certain cases also unpaired joints, or one joint can undergo the rheumatic attack that is atypical and complicates diagnosis.

Characteristic symptoms of a pseudorheumatism is morning constraint of joints, formation of small hypodermic consolidations in joints, so-called "rhematoid small knots". For a pseudorheumatism the pristupoobrazny current is peculiar, the rheumatic attacks are replaced by the disease zatikhaniye period. When progressing a disease gradually there is a deformation of a joint because of what it loses the function, an animal force of an extremity weakens. In far come cases the affected joints completely are immobilized as a result of substitution of normal joint fabrics by rough cicatricial fabric, the anchylosis (an union of surfaces) of a joint develops, and there comes disability.

Rheumatic process affects not only joint fabric, it only the first and more is exposed to destruction. At a pseudorheumatism also internals, especially often bodies of cardiovascular system (a rheumatic pericardis), nervous, digestive, etc. are surprised. Some forms of a disease in general affect preferential internals, to a lesser extent mentioning joint fabric (a visceral form of a pseudorheumatism).

The disease which symptoms are shown at children's age (up to 16 years) is called a juvenile pseudorheumatism. In general for it the same symptoms of a pseudorheumatism, as are characteristic of adults, including damage of internals. Difference of a juvenile pseudorheumatism is that as a rule, the strong pain syndrome is not inherent in it, and after one or several attacks there can occur spontaneous recovery, though it is not obligatory. The juvenile pseudorheumatism often causes deformation of extremities as the affected joint can either slow down, or accelerate the growth in comparison with healthy joints.

Diagnosis of a pseudorheumatism

Diagnosis of a pseudorheumatism is quite difficult, and is carried out in several steps. Doctors can speak with confidence about the rhematoid nature of a disease only after five rheumatic attacks and confirmation of data of observation of the course of a disease of methods of laboratory diagnosis and X-ray inspections. Conduct an immunological blood analysis, so-called revmoproba which allow to reveal existence of specific antibodies and cell-bound immune complexes. By means of x-ray films estimate degree and the nature of destruction of the affected joint. A characteristic symptom of a pseudorheumatism is a certain type of deformation of internal surfaces of a joint – uzuriruyushchy deformation.

Treatment of a pseudorheumatism

Лечении ревматоидного артрита Энзимотерапией

Treatment of a pseudorheumatism consists of medicamentous therapy, non-drug means, and in case of development of an anchylosis of a joint resort to surgical treatment during which the affected joint is replaced with artificial. Often and not unsuccessfully resort to treatment of a pseudorheumatism folk remedies.

Drug treatment of a pseudorheumatism includes:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPVP) allow to kill acute symptoms of an inflammation, pain and hypostasis;
  • Steroid antiinflammatory drugs are also directed to removal of an inflammation;
  • Basic drugs. Extensive group of pharmaceutical means which action is directed to protection of a joint, preventing its destruction and promoting regeneration of the destroyed fabric.

Non-drug non-invasive treatment of a pseudorheumatism supplements reception of medicamentous means, and during the periods of a zatikhaniye of a disease promotes recovery of normal function of the affected joints. For this purpose the physiotherapeutic means, physiotherapy exercises, orthopedic devices helping a joint to function, acupuncture, and also correction of a way of life are widely applied that is of great importance for achievement of permanent remission.

The medicamentous means applied to treatment of a pseudorheumatism, especially such as NPVP and glucocorticoids have a set of undesirable side effects, especially at their prolonged use. It represents a problem as treatment of autoimmune diseases usually long and persistent. Therefore quite often resort to treatment of a pseudorheumatism folk remedies. So, widely apply broths and infusions of medicative herbs as in the form of teas, and locally – in the form of trays, compresses and lotions for the affected joints, use a wrapping of sore joints leaves of medical plants. There are data on use of tar and a mummy. Use at a pseudorheumatism of folk remedies is hardly capable to cure a disease completely, but promotes removal of the acute inflammatory phenomena, than considerably facilitates a condition of the patient, and allows to reduce a pill burden.

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