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Results of starvation

Результаты голодания - детоксикация организма и устойчивость к болезнямFor thousands of years starvation helps clarification of an organism, to lose excess weight and is a part of religious ceremonies. Presently, it is often used only for the purpose of weight loss, positive results of starvation are observed quickly enough.

In eating tasty and not absolutely healthy food there is nothing bad if not to be beyond legal. Process of digestion of food can be compared to a campaign for work – if to fulfill the usual 8th hour working day five weekly, no difficulties will arise. If under duress it is necessary to work also on Saturdays – it will be a little difficult, but as a result and it is possible to maintain such operating schedule. However if it is necessary to work absolutely without days off – sooner or later nobody will sustain such loading. According to the same scheme intestines work: if to overload its all the time, without allowing to have a rest normally – there will be a number of diseases with which will be to cope not and it is easy.

Rest of the alimentary system from a constant impact of food stuffs is result of starvation. Digestion, assimilation and metabolism – these types of activity demand expenses of a large amount of energy. It is counted that 65% of energy of an organism have to be directed to digestive organs after reception of heavy food.

Results of starvation is release of this energy and the direction it ​​ on healing and improvement of an organism, on a detoxication and cleaning of cells, fabrics and bodies, elimination of toxins and natural metabolic waste.

Starvation in itself is not a panacea from all diseases, however with its help treatment can prepare an organism for a bigger and best susceptibility. An effect of starvation is rebalancing at the physical, mental and spiritual level. However there are also negative sides of hunger, not everyone will be able to sustain the caused dizzinesses, muscular and headaches at starvation.

Advantage and harm of starvation

As well as any other process has pluses and minuses of starvation. The advantage and harm of starvation depend on that, starvation how correctly begins and comes to an end.

Treat positive effects of starvation:

  • Resistance to diseases;
  • Lack of problems with a dream;
  • Change of habits;
  • Organism detoxication;
  • Improvement of sight, hearing and taste;
  • Intellectual and emotional clarity;
  • Relaxation;
  • Cleaning;
  • Rejuvenation;
  • Rest of digestive organs;
  • Increase in activity;
  • Loss of weight.Потеря веса - один из положительных результатов голодания

Starvation does harm when it is incorrectly observed. Side effects are dizziness, nausea, alarm both head and muscular hurt at starvation, however there is also more serious harm of starvation.

If to adhere to hunger too long, the organism can pass into the mode of starvation which can lead to anemia, of a hypoglycemia (to the maintenance of low level of sugar in blood), to an electrolytic imbalance which can lead to a cardiac standstill and a coma. Also harm of starvation can be shown in the form of a renal and liver failure.

Starvation effects

Positive effects of starvation which was observed correctly are:

  • Clarification and detoxication of an organism;
  • Clarity of mind;
  • Cleaning and healing of reason of the "got stuck" emotional models;
  • Feeling of physical ease, increase in level of energy;
  • Increase in spiritual level.

The same positive takes of starvation can be achieved not only observing dry hunger (without food and water), but also using during the day divorced freshly squeezed juice or herbal teas.

Starvation is considered miracle cure also because the list of diseases lechimy in such a way and weakening of their symptoms is big. Often medical results of starvation is treatment of allergies, arthritises, digestive disturbances of all types, skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases and asthma. Starvation brings such results because turns on own mechanisms of self-healing of an organism.

Whether you know that:

People who got used to have breakfast regularly have obesity much less often.