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Mountain ash ordinary

Mountain ash ordinary – the listopadny tree belonging to family of the Rose family.


Рябина обыкновеннаяThis small tree can in height reaches 15 m, has dense krone and smooth gray bark.

Young branches of a plant have grayish-red color, with big fluffy kidneys. Leaves odd-pinnate with several couples of unevenly sharp-toothed leaflets of an oblong and lanceolate form. Flowers of white color, are located in umbrella inflorescences.

The tree in May-June blossoms. Fruits of a mountain ash ordinary – spherical, yagodopodobny, of the size of a pea of orange-red color. On taste bitterish and tart. Fruits in September ripen and hang on a tree till deep winter. After frosts they lose a gorkost and tartness and become nice to the taste.

Because of bitter smack fresh berries are practically not eaten. However, thanks to numerous useful properties, they with success are applied in the medical and food industry. Do of a mountain ash jam and jam, fruit jelly, candies. It is used for preparation of alcoholic and soft drinks.

The mountain ash ordinary grows in the temperate climatic zone. It is eurysynusic in the territory of Central Asia, in the Caucasus and in Europe.

Chemical composition of a mountain ash ordinary

Ripe berries of a mountain ash contain organic acids (lemon, wine, amber, sorbic and apple), pectinaceous and tannins, sorbose and sorbite, ascorbic acid, amino acids, essential oils, sodium salts, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Fruits of a mountain ash ordinary contain a large amount of RR vitamin – more, than in any other fruit plant of our zone.

Medicinal properties of a mountain ash ordinary

The plant possesses the styptic, sudorific, laxative, antiinflammatory, knitting, kapillyaroukreplyayushchy, diuretic action, increases coagulability of blood and lowers blood pressure. The pectins which are contained in fruits of a mountain ash ordinary slow down fermentative processes in intestines, have the adsorbing property, reduce gas generation, promote removal of toxins from an organism. Bitterness and the organic acids which are contained in berries increase secretory function of a gastric juice, promote digestion improvement, possess cholagogue action.

Use of a mountain ash ordinary in medicine

In medical practice of berry of a mountain ash ordinary use at hypovitaminoses. India applies them at liver diseases, hemorrhoids, a scurvy.

In traditional medicine of berry use as laxative, haemo static, diuretic, vitamin, antidysenteric, contraceptive means. Use them at treatment of malignancies, a dysmenorrhea.

Juice from berries is widely applied at gout, an adynamy, an anemia, hemorrhoids, gastritis, the lowered acidity of a gastric juice, glaucoma, a vitamin deficiency, a hypertension, malignant tumors, diseases of a liver and kidneys, atherosclerosis, ascites, whooping cough.Плоды рябины обыкновенной

Berries syrup is used at rheumatism, disturbance of a salt metabolism, stones in a bladder and kidneys.

Oil from fruits of a mountain ash ordinary, thanks to the content of carotene and carotinoids renders antiinflammatory, early - and yazvozazhivlyayushchy action.


Treatment by mountain ash berries contraindicated at:

  • hyperoxemia of a gastric juice;
  • tendencies to the increased coagulability of blood;
  • some cardiovascular diseases (an ischemic disease, after strokes and heart attacks).
Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.