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from 2300 rub.

Sandimmun – the immunodepressive means which is applied at organ transplantation.

Pharmacological action

Сандиммун в капсулах

Sandimmun is polypeptide which consists of 11 amino acids, has an immunodepressive effect.

Active agent of Sandimmun – cyclosporine which increases time of life of transplants of kidneys of heart, a pancreas, skin, lungs, a small bowel, marrow and prevents development at change of skin reactions of hypersensitivity, a disease "a transplant against the owner" and arthritis.

Release form

Sandimmun release in the form of capsules, solution for infusions and intake.

Indications to use

Sandimmun according to the instruction appoint to patients after heart transplantation, a pancreas, a liver, marrow, kidneys, lungs, a cardiopulmonary transplant – for prevention of reaction of rejection of a transplanted organ.

There are good reviews of Sandimmuna who is applied at graft rejection those patients who already accepted other immunodepressants and at a disease "a transplant against the owner".

Drug can be used for treatment of autoimmune diseases, Bekhchet's uveitis, an endogenous uveitis, a nephrotic syndrome, psoriasis, a pseudorheumatism.

Sandimmun's instruction: route of administration

At bone marrow transplantation a day before operation enter kapelno intravenously 2-6 mg of Sandimmun on kilogram of weight of the patient. Two more weeks after change then the patient is transferred to tablets continue to administer the drug intravenously.

At change of internal vitals enter once Sandimmun in 4-12 hours prior to operation – 3-5 mg/kg. 1-2 more weeks after change administer the drug in the same dose every day, then lower a dosage, lead up to supporting – 0,7-2 mg/kg.

For children after a year Sandimmun's dosage is also calculated on weight. Basic data are used same, as for adults.

Capsules the adult appoint 10-15 mg/kg in a dosage, accept them in 12 hours prior to organ transplantation. For one-two weeks after operation of the capsule accept in the same dose and then gradually, for 5% a week lower a dosage to the level of 2-6 mg/kg.

If bone marrow transplantation is planned, a day before operation and 2 more weeks after it accept capsules in a dosage of 12,5-15 mg/kg.

The maintenance therapy lasts a year more after change. There are reviews of Sandimmuna from the patients accepting him indicating that even on the expiration of this time, after the end of treatment rejection reaction can be observed. In this case it is recommended to resume Sandimmun's reception.

For treatment of an endogenous uveitis accept 5 mg/kg a day before the inflammation decreases and visual acuity will be recovered.

At a nephrotic syndrome children are given 6 mg/kg, adult – 5 mg/kg.

At a pseudorheumatism the first 6 weeks accept 3 mg of Sandimmun on kilogram of weight a day. If necessary, normal portability the quantity of medicine is increased.

At psoriasis recommend to accept 2,5 mg/kg a day.

Сандиммун - раствор для инфузий

Side effects of Sandimmun

Sandimmun can provoke development of malignant skin diseases and a lymphoma, anaphylactic reaction, increase in pressure, a hyperplasia of gums, a nephropathy, a hypertrichosis, deterioration in appetite, a hyperpotassemia, nausea, diarrhea, pancreatitis, abdominal pains, a hypomagnesiemia, spasms in muscles, a headache, a vision disorder, anemia, a dysmenorrhea, increase in weight, a tremor, hypostases.

There are reviews of Sandimmuna causing burning in ступнях and brushes, a renal failure, disturbance of a physical activity.

At Sandimmun's overdose can arise disturbance of work of kidneys. To the patient in this case carry out usual symptomatic therapy. Hemoperfusion and a hemodialysis are considered as inefficient.

In Sandimmun's instruction it is specified that to patients at whom increase in pressure is observed a giperkreatininemiya, it is necessary to reduce a medicine dosage by 25-50%.


Sandimmun it is impossible to accept in the presence of malignant new growths, at precancerous diseases of skin, hypersensitivity, during breastfeeding, pregnancy.

To children about one year drug is not appointed.

With caution it is necessary to take Sandimmun at chicken pox and other diseases of a virus origin, at a hyperpotassemia, infections, a liver/renal failure, hypertensia, a sprue.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Sandimmun Neoral of the capsule 25 of mg of 50 pieces

2300 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Sandimmun Neoral капс 25 mg No. 50 *, Novartis Pharma/Scherer/Skopinfarm

2746 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Sandimmun Neoral ml solution 100mgml 50

4800 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Sandimmun Neoral капс 50 mg No. 50 *, Novartis Pharma/Scherer/Skopinfarm

5037 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Sandimmun Neoral капс 100 mg No. 50 *, Novartis Pharma/Scherer/Skopinfarm

9578 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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