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Seduxenum – sedative medicine.Седуксен раствор

Pharmacological action

Active agent of Seduxenum is diazepam, the connection relating to benzodiazepines. This substance of anxiolytic action that is expressed in the calming, somnolent effect due to reaction of TsNS. Removes spasms and has the central myorelaxation effect. Reviews of Seduxenum from specialists confirm: its reception reduces alarm level, allows to dull fear and concern, raises a pain threshold. Promotes a lowering of arterial pressure and expansion of coronary vessels. Exerts beneficial influence at alcoholic abstinence: promotes reduction of motive and speech excitement, reduces a tremor, tremens symptoms, weakens hallucinations. Seduxenum practically does not exert impact on psychotic conditions of other genesis (schizoid, crazy, etc.). Reduces development of a gastric juice at night.

Structure and form of release

Drug is produced in the form of tablets and solution for injections.

Active ingredient of Seduxenum is diazepam.

Structure of tablets: 1 tablet of Seduxenum contains 5 mg of diazepam + excipients (corn starch, talc, silicon dioxide colloid, magnesium stearate). On 10 tablets in the blister, in each packaging on 2 blisters.

Solution for injections: ampoules Seduxenum on 2 ml, 10 mg of diazepam in each ampoule + 4 mg of lidocaine of a hydrochloride. On 5 ampoules in packaging.

Each packaging contains the enclosed instruction of Seduxenum.

Seduxenum analogs

Analogs of Seduxenum are: Ansiolinum, Apaurinum, Apozepamum, Atilenum, Bensedin, Valitranum, Valium Roche, Vatranum, Vival, Diazepabene, Diazepam, Diazepeks, Diapam, Duxenum, Quetinil, Lembrolum, Pacitrianum, Relanium, Relium, Sarometum, Serenaminum, Serensin, Sibazonum, Sonaconum, Stesolinum, Usgamir, Friedan, etc.

All analogs of Seduxenum contain in the structure the same active ingredient – diazepam.

Indications to use

According to the instruction Seduxenum is shown at the following states:

  • Neurosises and neurosis-like states;
  • The psychopathies and psychopatholike states caused by organic lesions of a brain or schizophrenia;
  • The morbid conditions which are followed by the excessive psychoemotional tension, uneasiness, fear, morbid depression;
  • Phobias;
  • Frustration of a dream;
  • Psychomotor overexcitation and agitation;
  • Epilepsy, epileptic status and epileptopodobny attacks;
  • Muscular spasms of various genesis;
  • Abstinence syndrome at an alcoholism;
  • The dermatosis accompanied with an itch;
  • In complex therapy of a peptic ulcer of a stomach as the means promoting subsiding of night (hungry) pains;
  • Cardiac arrhythmias;
  • Children's enuresis;
  • Disorders of behavior at children;
  • As a part of complex therapy at treatment of hypertensive crisis;
  • Climacteric frustration;
  • Disturbances of a menstrual cycle;
  • Threat of premature births.

According to reviews of Seduxenum, drug is effective as means of premedication before operative measures.

Application instruction of Seduxenum

According to the instruction Seduxenum is appointed the adult in a dosage from 5 to 15 mg a day divided into 2-3 receptions. In a hospital the daily dose can be increased to 30 mg, at acute states and good tolerance to 60 mg. The dose is selected depending on indications and individual sensitivity.

Use of Seduxenum at various pathologies:

  • As sedative drug is appointed on 2,5-10 mg a day divided into 2-4 receptions;
  • At treatment of spastic states: on 5-10 mg of drug divided into 2-3 receptions a day;
  • In therapy of internal diseases (a hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, etc.): on 2,5-5 mg 2-3 times a day;
  • In gynecologic practice (climacteric, menstrual frustration): on 2,5-5 mg 2-3 times a day;
  • At threat of premature births in/in one-time 10 mg, after 10 mg in oil 3 times a day, after removal of acute threat appoint a maintenance dose of 5 mg in 3 times a day;
  • For premedication: on the eve of surgical intervention of 10-20 mg of Seduxenum one-time, if necessary in 30 min. prior to operation in oil of 10 mg;
  • At treatment of alcoholic abstinence: enter intramusculary, in the first days of 10 mg of drug into 3-4 receptions, further the dose decreases to 5 mg 3-4 times a day;
  • In pediatric practice: to children up to 7 years of 2,5 mg 2 times a day, at the age of 7 years are also more senior than from 2,5 to 5 mg 2 times a day. Begin with the minimum doses, increasing them gradually in case of need, the daily dose is divided so that the most part fell on evening reception.

Use of Seduxenum for the patients of advanced age weakened and having atherosclerotic changes in vessels is limited to the minimum doses, especially in an initiation of treatment – begin with 2,5 mg 2 times a day.

If the patient undergoes treatment on the job, the dosage is calculated so that the most part of drug was accepted for the night.Седуксен таблетки

Side effect of Seduxenum

Reviews of Seduxenum testify to its good tolerance. Nevertheless, in clinical practice the following side effects connected using Seduxenum are recorded:

  • From a nervous system: the headache, dizziness, drowsiness, decrease in concentration, a memory impairment (ecmnesia), a disorientation, depression, a katalepsy, dystonic extrapyramidal reactions, an adynamy, a hyporeflexia, the confused consciousness, are possible flashes of unmotivated aggression and suicide attempts;
  • From system of digestion: disturbances of a sialosis, dyspepsia, pain in epigastric area, disorders of appetite (a loss of appetite, bulimia), disturbances of hepatic function;
  • From cardiovascular system: disturbance of a cordial rhythm, hypotonia;
  • From blood: anemia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia;
  • From system of urination: disturbance of renal function, urine incontience;
  • From immune system: urticaria, skin itch;
  • Others: a dysmenorrhea, decrease in a libido, oppression of a respiratory center, a diplopia, a body degrowth, in the place of an injection at intravenous and intramuscular administration phlebitis is possible;
  • At use of Seduxenum in obstetric practice decrease in a tone of muscles, a hypothermia, oppression of the central nervous system, deterioration in a sucking reflex can be found in newborns диспноэ.

Special instructions

Attention! Seduxenum and analogs have the damaging effect on a fruit at reception in the first trimester!

Causes medicinal dependence. At the sharp termination of reception the expressed withdrawal which is shown in depressiveness, uneasiness, irritability, psychomotor overexcitation, frustration of a dream, muscular spasms, the increased sweating, nausea, a photophobia, convulsive attacks is observed, psychotic states and hallucinations can seldom appear.

Seduxenum enters undesirable interaction with other medicines (antidepressants, muscle relaxants, etc.) and alcohol.

During use of Seduxenum it is necessary to avoid the activity demanding speed of reaction.

Contraindications to use of Seduxenum

According to the instruction Seduxenum is contraindicated at the following states:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to drugs of a benzodiazepine row;
  • Closed-angle glaucoma, exacerbation of glaucoma;
  • Heavy myasthenia;
  • Chronic hypercapnia;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Age up to 6 months.

As reviews of Seduxenum from obstetricians and neonatolog demonstrate undesirable impact on a fruit, both in early, and in the late period of pregnancy, administration of drug during this period has to be carried out only at emergency and is strict under observation of the doctor.

Rules of storage and issue

To store tablets in the dry, dark place at the room temperature, solution for injections at a temperature from 2 to 5 °C, a period of storage of 5 years. To protect from children.

Seduxenum and analogs are released according to the recipe, are not intended for self-treatment.

Whether you know that:

Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.