The sexologist – the specialist who treats the deviations causing problems with sexual health.
The sexology – rather new science, in the separate direction it was allocated with the Ministry of Health not so long ago, in the late nineties of the XX century, and up to this point belonged to psychiatry.
The sexologist is also a specialist in psychotherapy, neurology, endocrinology, urology and gynecology – the listed directions are considered at correction of sexual disturbances. In the practice sexologists use not only the general sexology, but also sociology, sexual pathology, psychoanalysis, family psychology, psychotherapy, a psychosomatic medicine, psychological correction.
Distinguish four directions of sexology:
Separately allocate a familistika – within this direction sexologists are engaged in the relations of the man and woman not only as sexual partners, but also as parents.
Consultation of the sexologist is required to women if they have inborn pathologies of generative organs, spasms and spasms of a vagina, frigidity or sexual coldness, pains at sexual intercourse. Also women address sexologists if they are psychologically not ready to sexual life if certain physiological problems which can be inborn or acquired prevent them to form a family, including the disturbances in the sexual sphere caused by a hormonal imbalance.
Men should address the sexologist at absence or decrease in sexual desire, problems with an ejaculation, lack of issue (a problem with a sperm exit), a priapism (an erection, offending), an orgazmichesky agedoniya (the state at which there is an ejaculation, but is not present an orgasm), post-coital pains of the head, pains at masturbation. Men the same as women, suffer from deviations in the sexual sphere connected with chronic diseases – for example, at men because of a chronic inflammation the erection can accelerate or worsen a potentiality.
Before beginning treatment, after holding a preliminary conversation with couple or the man and woman separately, the sexologist surely checks in what state there is a reproductive system of patients. Can be for this purpose appointed:
Also the following analyses help with diagnosis and treatment:
In spite of the fact that problems of sexual character are eurysynusic, the profession of the sexologist is quite rare – not all medical institutions have such specialist in the state. However the Internet gives new opportunities, and now a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">consultation of the sexologist is available to everyone.
We represent our expert – Evgeny Aleksandrovich Kulgavchuk, the president of "Professional association of sexologists", the sexologist with seventeen years' experience. One of the most famous specialists in sexual pathology, the psychiatrist and the psychotherapist, the leading expert of most the Russian radio - both TV programs about sex and the relations, also acts as the consultant for the matters in the largest printing and Internet editions. Took part in work of the commission of the Government of Moscow concerning demographic safety. He is married, the father of two children. Leads and propagandizes a healthy lifestyle.
Evgeny Aleksandrovich is the author of courses and programs:
One of the fundamental principles of scientific sexology Evgeny Aleksandrovich calls the principle of paired relationship which is extremely important in diagnosis and therapy of sexual disturbances therefore Evgeny Aleksandrovich allocates great value for psychological climate in a family, helping to solve the following problems:
Problems of sexual character:
Besides, Evgeny Aleksandrovich treats also widespread sexual pathologies:
Evgeny Aleksandrovich also gives the qualified help in the solution of problems of mental health:
Evgeny Aleksandrovich will answer your questions. Ask – we answer!
It is possible to register in a personal consultation to Evgeny Aleksandrovich a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">according to the reference.
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