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from 9800 rub.

Sevoran – pharmacological drug from group of inhalation all-anesthetics.

Structure and form of release

СеворанAccording to the instruction Sevoran is issued in the form of liquid for inhalations. Active ingredient – севофлуран. Externally drug represents transparent liquid without color. According to requirements to medicines for anesthesia, Sevoran does not ignite and does not explode. This drug does not contain any additives and stabilizers. Sevoran easily mixes up with ether, ethanol, benzene and chloroform and is very badly dissolved in water.

Sevoran in bottles on 100 and 250 ml is made. Bottles are made of orange glass or plastic. In cardboard packaging of 1 or 6 bottles with drug together with the instruction.

Pharmacological action of Sevoran

According to the instruction Sevoran has all-anesthetic effect. Use of this drug is inhalation as an introduction anesthesia causes a bystry loss of consciousness. After the anesthesia termination consciousness is also quickly recovered.

The introduction anesthesia using Sevoran, according to reviews, is followed by the minimum signs of excitement and does not cause the raised myxopoiesis in a tracheobronchial tree. This drug (as well as other means for inhalation anesthesia) leads to dozozavisimy oppression of respiratory function and a lowering of arterial pressure.

According to the instruction Sevoran poorly acts on intracranial pressure and does not reduce reaction to carbon dioxide (CO2). Drug does not break function of a liver or kidneys, and does not lead to increase of the phenomenon of a liver/renal failure.

Sevoran is quickly brought from lungs. Ways of metabolism of this drug are not finalized.

Indications to use

According to the instruction Sevoran is shown for the introduction and supporting anesthesia during surgical interventions, both at children, and at adults. Drug can be used in out-patient conditions and in a hospital.

Contraindications to Sevoran's use

  • hypersensitivity to a sevofluran and other halogenated drugs;
  • genetic susceptibility to development of a malignant hyperthermia (even at suspicion).

With care Sevoran it is necessary to apply at patients with an impaired renal function as its safety at this group of patients is not finalized.

At neurosurgical operations of Sevoran with care it is necessary to apply if the patient has a threat of increase in intracranial pressure (in a complex with the measures directed to decrease in intracranial pressure).

Use during pregnancy and a lactation

In clinical trials Sevoran had no teratogenic effect on animals. However significant researches at pregnant women were not conducted therefore this drug should be used only according to absolute indications.

The conducted clinical trials on Sevoran's use for anesthesia at Cesarean section showed its safety, both for mother, and for the newborn.

According to Sevoran's instruction there are no data on his allocation with breast milk. Therefore during a lactation use of this drug with care is possible.

Route of administration and Sevoran's doses

Medicines for premedication have to be selected the anesthesiologist in an individual order.

For an anesthesia it is necessary to use the evaporator which is specially calibrated for Sevoran.

Doses of drug are selected individually (taking into account age and a condition of the patient) and are titrated to the necessary effect. After Sevoran's inhalation (mask) it is possible to enter barbiturates of short action or other means for an intravenous introduction general anesthesia. According to the instruction Sevoran it is possible to apply in oxygen or mix of nitrogen oxide and oxygen.

According to responses Sevoran it is inhalation in concentration to 8% provides introduction to the general anesthesia at adults and at children within 2 minutes.

For the supporting general anesthesia Sevoran it is necessary to support 0,5-3% in concentration (it is possible in combination with nitrogen oxide).

It should be noted that with age the patient his need for Sevorana for introduction to an anesthesia goes down. And the 80-year-old person requires usually ½ doses (from that from the patient of young age).

According to Sevoran, provides a bystry exit from the general anesthesia. It is necessary to consider that in this regard postoperative anesthesia in earlier terms can be required.Севоран - ингаляционный анестетик

Side effect

According to Sevoran seldom causes side reactions. As well as at all means for inhalation anesthesia, this drug can cause suppression of function of breath and hearts (dozozavisimy). Usually undesirable reactions are passing and easy/moderate.

The main side reactions when using Sevoran's: nausea, vomiting, decrease/increase in arterial pressure, strengthening of cough, the increased salivation, excitement, a fever, tachycardia/bradycardia, dizziness, breath disturbances (an apnoea, a laryngospasm), a hyperthermia.

Sevoran, according to reviews, extremely seldom causes postoperative hepatitis (exact connection with this drug is not established), spasms and allergic reactions (rash, urticaria, a bronchospasm, anaphylactic reactions).

Overdose by Sevoran

At emergence of overdose it is necessary to stop inhalation of drug and to begin ventilation of the lungs (auxiliary or controlled) with administration of oxygen and to support warmly – vascular activity.

Interaction with other medicines

According to the instruction Sevoran is well combined with drugs which are often used in surgical practice (including with the means influencing function of a nervous system, muscle relaxants, antibacterial drugs, hormones, blood preparations). Undesirable interactions are not revealed.

Special instructions on Sevoran's use

According to the instruction Sevoran only anesthesiologists with experience of carrying out the general anesthesia can apply. When using this drug for the general anesthesia it is necessary to have all due equipment (for artificial ventilation of the lungs, for recovery of passability of respiratory tracts, for resuscitation).

For Sevoran's giving specially calibrated evaporators are necessary.

It is necessary to inform patients that after the general anesthesia it is not necessary to manage motor transport for some time and to work with moving mechanisms as concentration of attention can be broken.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Sevoran bottle of 250 ml

9800 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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