Sparing diet

The sparing diet assumes the special clinical nutrition making soft impact on digestive organs. Щадящая диета - это специальное лечебное питание, оказывающее щадящее воздействие на органы пищеваренияSuch diet contains enough nutrients and is based on the main principles of a balanced diet which is considered full and digestible.

The sparing diet is expected rather long period as the range of the products used in it is rather wide. The main secret of this diet is the technology of preparation of dishes.

Dishes which are used at this diet have to be lungs. Average day caloric content at such food has to make 2250 kcal. At the same time daily 85 grams of proteins, 90 grams of fats and 250 grams of carbohydrates have to come to an organism. However, all these indicators depend on type of a disease at which the sparing diet is used.

The presented type of food is intended for the people having diseases of intestines, gall bladder, pancreas, stomach, intestines and liver. Sometimes doctors recommend to combine this diet with others, most often it is an electrolyte-deficient or diabetic diet.

To have an opportunity to constantly cook the food sparing digestive organs, it is necessary to know technology of its preparation by all means. Besides, it is necessary to study the list of the recommended and prohibited products.

Technology of cooking at a sparing diet

From all technological processes known to the world which are used for cooking in this type of food will approach only three: suppression, roasting and cooking. The main feature of preparation of dishes is in that they at the use did not render any thermal, mechanical or chemical action on digestive organs.

Big pieces of food, fresh fruit and vegetables with a peel, firm food, tough meat, sinews, etc. can make harmful mechanical effects. That the food became rather soft, it needs to be extinguished or cooked long. For example, it is better to make meat in an oven or on couple.

The sparing diet at gastritis strictly forbids the use of chemical irritants as which various spices, salt, distillates, black coffee, strong broths, fried food and meat sauces are considered.

Indispensable condition at observance of the described diet is avoiding of temperature irritants. It assumes refusal of the food having the extreme temperature because it negatively affects a mucous membrane of a stomach. It is better to replace hot food warm, and also to refuse ice cream and other very cold food.

Sparing diet at gastritis

To choose a diet for gastritny patients not easy as the diet at the same time has to be also the fullest, and sparing. Also special attention should be paid to regular meal, that is to eat gradually, but it is frequent, the sore stomach will much easier cope with small volumes of food.

The sparing diet at gastritis has to be kept about 3 weeks, it needs to be stopped at once as soon as the health worsens if it occurs. Under the influence of a diet there pass pains, and also the inflammation considerably decreases.

During such food it is possible to have rather weak tea which is allowed to add with milk, water with sugar and a lemon.

It is possible to eat white crackers, biscuit, a small amount of butter, steam omelets and cutlets, soft-boiled eggs, porridges, boiled meat, vegetable, pea and fruit soups, not acute grades of cheese, pasta, fruit not acid juice, kissels, compotes, jam, the sweet wiped fruit, greens, pyurirovanny vegetables, sweet berries, fresh cottage cheese.

It is forbidden to eat hot dishes, rich pies, fresh bread, sinewy and fat meat, products with the content of rough cellulose, whole milk.

The approximate menu for observance of a sparing diet at gastritis:

Breakfast: 1 plates of porridge, 1 glass of rather weak tea with milk.

Second breakfast: 1 baked apple.

Lunch: the steam meat cutlet containing buckwheat cereal, broth with quenelles, compote.

Dinner: fresh cottage cheese (it is allowed to add a little jam), vegetable puree.

Before going to bed: 1 glasses of kefir, white crouton.Щадящая диета при гастрите

Sparing diet

Meal at observance of this type of a sparing diet has to occur 4 times a day. It is a guarantee that, adhering to such food, the feeling of hunger is not felt. This diet, except the medical purposes, promotes weight loss and guarantees loss of 5 kilograms in a week.

Menu No. 1:

  • Breakfast: 1 soft-boiled eggs, a green salad, tea with milk, unsweetened toasts.
  • 2nd breakfast: 1 piece of the dried bread with ham, 1 glass of low-fat milk, fresh tomato.
  • Lunch: a portion of vegetable salad with carrots, 1 plate of fast borsch, quenelles, macaroni from firm grades of wheat. For a dessert it is allowed to eat currant jelly which is prepared without sugar addition.
  • Dinner: 1 glasses of unsweetened tea, lazy vareniki.

One more version of the menu of a sparing diet:

  • Breakfast: paste from cottage cheese with tomato, 1 slice of grain bread, 1 glass of coffee drink with milk.
  • 2nd breakfast: an unsweetened biscuit, 1 glass of milk (to 1,5% of fat content), fresh fruit.
  • Lunch: milk grain soup, roast from beef (fast), boiled potatoes, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: the vegetable salad filled with vegetable oil, aspic from fast fish, crouton from black bread.

Sparing diet No. 2

This type of a sparing diet is based on restriction of the use of the products containing fats and carbohydrates and also on addition in a diet of bigger amount of proteins.

Specialists recommend to accept polyvitamins at observance of this diet, and also to drink a large amount of liquid. Loss of weight in a week – about 7 kilograms.

Approximate menu:

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of tea without sugar or black coffee.
  • 2nd breakfast: 40 g of low-fat firm cheese.
  • Lunch: 120 g of the fast meat made without fat addition, 1 egg, 20 g of low-fat firm cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: a portion of the vegetable salad filled with vegetable oil, 120 g of meat.
  • Before going to bed: 1 glass of herbal tea with mint.

It is not recommended to wash down during a sparing diet food with any liquid. After the main food it is possible to use liquid not less than in half an hour.

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