Main > Drugs> Sibazonum


Sibazonum – anxiolytic means.Сибазон в виде раствора

Structure and form of release of Sibazonum

Drug is produced in the following dosage forms:

  • tablets on 0,005 g, on 20 pieces in packaging;
  • the tablets Sibazonum to children, coated, on 0,001 and 0,002 g, in packaging on 20 pieces;
  • solution of 0,5% on 2 ml in ampoules, on 10 ampoules in packaging.

Active ingredient of Sibazonum – diazepam.

Pharmacological action

Tranquilizer. According to the instruction Sibazonum soothingly affects the central nervous system, reducing sensation of fear, alarms and tensions.

Drug possesses the expressed anticonvulsant and antiarrhytmic action, reduces a muscle tone, will reduce allocation of a gastric juice.

Besides, Sibazonum according to reviews has somnolent effect, exponentiates effect of antipsychotic drugs and alcohol.

Indications to use of Sibazonum

According to the instruction Sibazonum is shown in the following cases:

  • alarming frustration, sleeplessness;
  • abstinence alcoholic syndrome (agitation, tension, tremor, uneasiness, tranzitorny reactive states);
  • spasm of skeletal muscles at a local injury;
  • the spastic states caused by defeat back or a brain (tetanus, an athetosis, a cerebral palsy);
  • the progressing chronic polyarthritis, rheumatic pelvispondiloartrit, a bursitis, a miositis, arthritis;
  • the arthrosis which is followed by tension of skeletal muscles;

As a part of complex therapy Sibazonum according to the instruction is appointed at:

  • dysphorias;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • to ulcer of a 12-perstny gut and stomach;
  • psychosomatic frustration in gynecology and obstetrics (a gestosis, menstrual and climacteric frustration);
  • epileptic status;
  • the eczema and other diseases which are followed by an acrimony and an itch.

Apply Sibazonum at premature births (only at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy), when peeling a placenta and to simplification of patrimonial activity.

Contraindications to use Sibazonum

According to the instruction Sibazonum is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to diazepam;
  • shock, coma;
  • the acute drunkenness which is followed by weakening of the vital functions;
  • acute intoxication the medicines causing oppression of the central nervous system including hypnagogues and narcotic analgetics;
  • myasthenia, closed-angle glaucoma;
  • pregnancy, especially first trimester;
  • lactation period;
  • heavy HOBL, acute respiratory insufficiency, Lennox-Gasto's syndrome or absentia epileptica.

Sibazonum is contraindicated to children aged up to 6 months (at intake), and up to 1 month (at intravenous and intramuscular administration).

According to reviews Sibazonum should be applied with care at:

  • epilepsy and epileptic seizures as in an initiation of treatment diazepam or in case of its sharp cancellation development of attacks or the epileptic status can accelerate;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • spinal and cerebral ataxy;
  • tendencies to abuse of psychoactive medicines;
  • hyperkinesias;
  • organic diseases of a brain;
  • night apnoea;
  • hypoproteinemias.

With care it is necessary to apply Sibazonum at advanced age.

Side effects of Sibazonum

According to responses Sibazonum can cause the following side reactions:

  • Nervous system: dizziness, drowsiness, increased fatigue, disorientation, decrease in concentration of attention, ataxy, slackness, bad coordination of movements, depression, tremor, headache, confusion of consciousness, katalepsy, euphoria, dystonic extrapyramidal reactions.
  • System of a hemopoiesis: neutropenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, anemia.
  • Alimentary system: heartburn, nausea, vomiting, lock, loss of appetite, hiccups, hypersalivation, increase in activity of hepatic transaminases, abnormal liver function, jaundice.
  • Urinogenital system: delay or incontience of urine, dysmenorrhea, decrease or increase in a libido, renal failure.
  • Cardiovascular system: lowering of arterial pressure, tachycardia, heartbeat.
  • Allergic reactions: itch, skin rash.
  • Influence on a fruit: oppression of TsNS, teratogenecity (especially in the first trimester of pregnancy). In case of use by mother Sibazona, suppression of a sucking reflex and disturbance of breath at the child can be observed.
  • Local reactions: local thrombosis or phlebitis in an injection site.
  • Other side effects: medicinal dependence and accustoming, bulimia, vision disorder, decrease in body weight, oppression of a respiratory center.

At sharp cancellation Sibazonum according to reviews can cause a syndrome of "cancellation" (nervousness, nervousness, irritability, sleep disorders, sensation of fear, a depression, nausea, a tremor, vomiting, hallucinations, spasms, sweating strengthening, a spasm of unstriated muscles).

In case of use in obstetrics Sibazonum according to reviews can cause in the full-term or premature children диспноэ, a hypothermia, muscular hypotension.

Route of administration of Sibazonum and mode of dosing

According to the instruction Sibazonum is applied intramusculary, intravenously, inside and rektalno.

The dosage is calculated individually, depending on sensitivity to drug, conditions of the patient and a clinical picture of a disease.Сибазон в виде таблеток

As a rule, as anxiolytic means drug is appointed inside in a dosage of 2,5-10 mg from two to four times a day.

In psychiatry and neurology Sibazonum according to the instruction is appointed on 5-10 mg to three times a day.

At arterial hypertension and stenocardia, and also at use in obstetrics and gynecology (at psychosomatic frustration) Sibazonum is according to reviews effective in a dosage of 2-5 mg to three times a day.

To children Sibazonum is appointed at psychosomatic frustration and spastic states. As a rule, Sibazonum to children is appointed in a low dosage, gradually increasing it to optimum.

The maximum daily dosage of Sibazonum to children of 6 months makes 1-2,5 mg or 40-200 mkg on body weight kg.

Storage conditions

Store drug in the dry dark place. A solution period of validity for injections – 24 months, tablets of 0,005 g – 36 months, the tablets Sibazonum to children on 0,001 and 0,002 g – 24 months.

Whether you know that:

The well-known drug "Viagra" was initially developed for treatment of an arterial hypertension.