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from 827 rub.

Sideral – the dietary supplement to food which is the highly effective digestible source of iron which is contained in the innovative liposomal Lipofer complex. Uniqueness of drug consists in total absence of side effects. Sideral is not medicine.

Main effects of drug

Сидерал – это уникальный витаминный комплекс, в состав которого входит железо, витамин С, витамин В12Sideral is a unique vitamin complex which part iron, vitamin C, B12 vitamin is. Iron in drug Sideral is held in the liposomal spheres allowing to transport an element directly to the place of its full assimilation without contact with mucous membranes of a GIT. The patented Lipofer complex allows to avoid the characteristic side effects arising at therapy by ferriferous drugs:

  • Irritation mucous intestines;
  • Heartburn;
  • Frustration of a chair (locks, frustration, discoloration of fecal masses);
  • Discoloration of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity;
  • Yellowing of an adamantine substance of tooth.

Sideral actively promotes completion of iron in an organism and is effective drug at treatment of latent deficit of iron, anemia. The human body is not capable to synthesize such element as iron therefore the balanced external source of this element is necessary for normal functioning of an organism. Iron directly participates in processes of a hemopoiesis and is a structural element of hemoglobin which provides oxygen transport in all fabrics and human organs.

Deficit of iron – insufficient completion of an organism of balance of a microelement, necessary for normal functioning, that leads to development of an anemia (anemia). The lack of iron of food is the main reason for development of an iron deficiency anemia. Administration of drug Sideral fills standard daily rate of a microelement in an organism, supplementing it with a vitamin complex for improvement of its assimilation. Active growth of an organism (at children's age), the postponed or chronic gastrointestinal diseases (inflammatory processes in intestines, low acidity of a gastric juice), a hyper menstrual molimina, massive blood losses, disturbance of digestion of iron are other causes of development of anemia.

The main symptoms of deficit of iron and anemia are:

  • Weakness, drowsiness, indisposition;
  • Bystry fatigue, the lowered working capacity;
  • Headaches of not clear genesis;
  • Disturbance of cordial rhythms, asthma;
  • Taste change;
  • Xeroderma, nails, hair;
  • Skin discoloration.

Regular administration of drug Sideral will allow to recover the sufficient level of iron in an organism, necessary for normal functioning of all its systems.

Content in drug Sideral of vitamin C promotes active synthesis of collagen, activates folic acid in an organism, possesses antioxidant action, accelerates digestion of iron.

B12 vitamin in a complex Sideral increases regenerative abilities of body tissues, participates in synthesis of erythrocytes.

Biologically active complex Sideral contributes to normalization of balance of microelements in an organism, and thanks to innovative technologies does not cause side effects, has no contraindications, and so, is allowed for use for pregnant women.

Application instruction

Drug Sideral is the balanced dietary supplement applied in complex treatment of latent deficit of iron and anemia, supplementing medicamentous drugs and a special diet.

Indications to drug use Sideral to whom instruction is attached to each packaging are:

  • Treatment of an iron deficiency anemia;
  • Pregnancy and period of a lactation;
  • Normalization of activity of an organism and completion of balance of microelements after blood loss;
  • The recovery period after carrying out surgical interventions;
  • The processes in an organism caused by deficit of iron in blood;
  • Chronic diseases, including a GIT, with regular bleedings (erosion, eroziyny gastritises, peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids and other).

Sideral the instruction recommends drug use courses. Sideral is safe vitamin drug, however its use needs to be coordinated with the attending physician. Sideral is applied on 1 capsule during food once a day, washed down with a large amount of water.

At drug use Sideral the instruction specifies possible allergic reactions at which emergence it is necessary to stop administration of drug and to see a doctor.

Content of iron and dietary supplements vitamins B Sideral is ideally balanced that at the correct use is not capable to cause excess of iron in an organism. Surplus of this microelement in small amounts is shown by dysfunction of a GIT (locks, heartburn).

Efficiency of drug

Применение Сидерала от выпадения волос рекомендовано курсами по 20 днейDeficit of iron can influence growth and a condition of hair and hair bulbs also. This microelement directly participates in growth of hair. At shortage of iron in an organism and its insufficient receipt from external sources, the organism involves internal resources of iron, including from hair bulbs.

Completion of balance of iron in the natural way – extremely long process which demands considerable efforts. The standard daily rate of iron for healthy functioning of a human body makes about 15 mg. Iron is not completely acquired from the consumed food. The most part of the consumed iron is involved in hemopoiesis processes. Sideral from a hair loss is an efficient way to quickly stop loss, to strengthen hair bulbs, to increase elasticity of hair. The complex of vitamins supplementing drug Sideral also promotes strengthening of hair follicles. Sideral's use from a hair loss is recommended courses for 20 days. However it is necessary to remember that it is important to exclude adverse factors: unbalanced food, conditioning agents, addictions. The repeated courses of administration of drug coordinated with the attending physician are in certain cases necessary.

Responses of patients

At Sideral's use responses of patients confirm its efficiency. So, most of patients notes efficiency of drug at iron deficiency anemias, lack of side effects. Sideral, comments on whom position him as effective biological additive, recovers growth of hair, improves a condition of skin and nails, contributes to normalization of biological rhythms, increase in working capacity, decrease in fatigue, improvement of concentration of attention.

Sideral is often appointed to the people forced to keep to a rigid diet for maintenance of balance of microelements and vitamins B an organism.

Biologically active complex Sideral stops anemia symptoms, is safe for pregnant women and the nursing women. Drug Sideral, comments on whom can be found in various sources, allows to fill balance of iron, to thereby stop development of the processes caused by its shortcoming.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Sideral капс No. 20

827 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Sideral of a drop of 30 ml

837 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Sideral forte piece capsules 20

904 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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