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Lyell's disease

Синдром Лайелла - токсический эпидермальный некролизDiseases of allergic character exert on an organism different impact on the effects. The heaviest outcome has a Lyell's disease. This disease is life-threatening, it is characterized by necrotic changes in epidermis – an upper layer of skin and, afterwards, its amotio. Necrosis of fabrics is caused by toxic effect of the allergens which got to an organism therefore characteristic symptoms of a disease appear.

Lyell's disease, symptoms

Reaction of an organism to alien substance at a Lyell's disease develops quickly enough, within several days. Sharp rise in temperature to high figures is noted, then there are rashes which cover all body. Only several days later on skin the bubbles reminding a clinical picture after an extensive burn are formed. Epidermis in places exfoliates, on a trunk numerous hemorrhages develop.

Except integuments, at a Lyell's disease also mucous membranes are injured. At the same time not only outside – lips, conjunctivas of eyes, generative organs, but also covers of internals. Rashes on mucous lead to development of inflammatory processes in places of defeat.

Intoxication phenomena at a Lyell's disease accrue promptly. Against the background of high temperature quickly there comes organism dehydration which is characterized by weakness, drowsiness, orientation disturbance. Blood is condensed that leads to difficulty of its movement on vessels and disturbance of work of internals, first of all – hearts, kidneys, a liver.

Lyell's disease, reasons

Important role in development of any allergic diseases including a Lyell's disease, play medicines. It is considered that specific reaction of an organism is caused, first of all, by antibacterial agents. However the allergy can be provoked by any of medical supplies. There is it, as a rule, at hypersensitivity of the person to substances which influence him.

The Lyell's disease, or epidermal necrolysis, differs from other diseases of allergic genesis. Reaction of an organism directly on the substance entered into it is characteristic of most of them. At this syndrome compound of allergen with the proteins which are in epidermis cells that does an upper layer of skin "alien" for an organism takes place and leads to its rejection. The strongest immune response of the person even on, apparently, quite harmless drug is connected with it.

The disease is resulted by bystry disintegration of proteins which products collect in an organism and make on it toxic impact. The Lyell's disease has high percent of a lethality which is caused by precipitancy and weight of defeat of an organism.

Lyell's disease at newborns

The children who were just born face a set of pathogenic factors of the environment. It can provoke development in them of various diseases. However the immunity received from mother protects kids therefore so serious allergic illness which the Lyell's disease is, occurs at newborns very seldom.

It should be noted that the epidermal necrolysis at adults develops after reception of medicines, sometimes – after hemotransfusion and its component – plasma. For children of early age development of a Lyell's disease against the background of a staphylococcal infection is more characteristic. At the same time an important role in developing of a disease is played by existence hereditarily of the caused allergic readiness.

Due to the early age of children, the epidermal necrolysis has at them very heavy current and differs in the acute beginning. At a Lyell's disease at newborns intoxication symptoms quickly accrue. Defeat practically of all surface of skin can promote development of sepsis. However the recovery rate at small children, at timely begun treatment, is much higher, than at adults.

Lyell's disease, treatment

Emergence of the first signs of a Lyell's disease demands immediate hospitalization of the patient. At this disease timeliness of delivery of health care plays an extremely important role for preservation of life of the patient. Medical actions are directed, first of all, to fight against intoxication. Besides, it is necessary to normalize water-salt balance, blood supply and functioning of the vital internals.

Как проявляется синдром Лайелла у новорожденныхAt a Lyell's disease treatment surely includes local impact on the affected skin. Special medicines in the form of aerosols which promote healing of skin defects are for this purpose applied. For mucous a mouth use also rinsings or irrigations by broths of officinal herbs. Care of patients with a Lyell's disease is of very great importance. It is carried out by the principle of maintaining burn patients. For them only sterile dressing materials and linen are required, a certain temperature has to be maintained in the chamber equipped with germicidal lamps.

At very heavy current of a Lyell's disease treatment of a disease is promoted by use of a plasma exchange. This procedure has two directions of impact on an organism. The first – removal from it of toxic substances, and the second – normalization of activity of immune system that, in total, promotes recovery.

Unpredictability of reaction of an organism to influence of any substances in many respects complicates prevention of allergic diseases. However, considering gravity of effects of many of them, for example such as Lyell's disease, it is necessary to treat the health responsibly. At emergence of allergic reaction it is not necessary to self-medicate as it can lead to the most negative effects.

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