Main > Drugs> Скандонест


Скандонест - the mestnoanesteziruyushchy means which is released in the form of solution for injections. Drug is produced in the form of cartridges from transparent glass, on 1,8-2 ml of active ingredient in an ampoule.Скандонест в упаковке

Active component of drug - a mepivakain a hydrochloride. One cartridge of Skandonest (1,8 ml) contains hydrochloride of a mepivakain - 54 mg, sodium hydroxide solution, chloride sodium - 10,80 mg and the water intended for injections

Pharmacological action of Skandonest

The instruction to Skandonest contains the following information: drug interferes with emergence of impulses in nerve terminations and to their carrying out on nerve fibrils, blocking natrium channels. Скандонест causes strong effect of local anesthesia of any type: infiltration, conduction, terminal. Skandonest's action remains within 1-3 hours. Mepivakain is well metabolized in a liver and possesses vasoconstrictive action.


Скандонест it is used at local, caudal, epidural and conduction anesthesia (at interventions in an oral cavity, therapeutic and surgical interventions). Especially widely drug is used in stomatology. Скандонест, as anesthetic, it is shown to the patients having an arterial hypertension, diabetes and coronary insufficiency.


Hypersensitivity to the anesthetizing substances of amide type and parabens (alkyls-4-hydroxybenzoates), a serious illness of a liver, a heavy myasthenia. According to the instruction to Skandonest, drug is recommended to be used with care to persons with cardiovascular insufficiency, a diabetes mellitus, a renal failure, inflammatory diseases, during childbirth. It is not recommended to use Skandonest at pregnancy, in children's and elderly (after 65 years) age categories.

Side effects of Skandonest

At intravascular introduction or exceeding of a dosage the headache, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, motive concern, spasms, losses of consciousness, the sensitive and motor block are possible. From cardiovascular system increase in arterial pressure, arrhythmia, bradycardia is possible. From secretory system the involuntary urination is shown. Also allergic reactions - skin rash, an itch, a small tortoiseshell, a Quincke's disease are not excluded. It is possible to distinguish numbness of language and lips, lengthening of the anesthetizing period, a hypothermia from other side effects of Skandonest. At use during pregnancy, Skandonest causes fruit bradycardia.

Skandonest's dosage

The dosage and amount of solution of active ingredient of Skandonest (mepivakaina) depends on the nature of intervention and a type of anesthesia. An average dose of drug for carrying out a conduction and infiltration anesthesia - 1-3 ml. The maximum dose of a mepivakain applied in stomatology for adult patients makes 6,6 mg/kg, without exceeding 400 mg for one-time introduction. For children the maximum dose of drug makes 5-6 mg/kg. Drug with care is appointed to the patients who are in advanced age: the recommended dosage for people is more senior than 65 years makes a half of a dose according to the instruction to Skandonest for the adult patient.

At pregnancy

Скандонест at pregnancy it is appointed only in the presence of strict the indication, in other cases drug is not used as with ease gets through a fruit placenta. The women practicing breastfeeding can apply the child to a breast after the termination of the anesthetizing effect - as well as any other local anesthetic, active ingredient мепивакаин is emitted in breast milk in insignificant quantities.Картриджы Скандонеста

Special instructions

In 10 days prior to the planned Skandonest's injection it is reasonable to cancel MAO inhibitors (Procarbazinum, furasolidone, селегилин) - the drugs increasing risk of a lowering of arterial pressure.

To attention of athletes: Скандонест contains the active ingredient capable to cause positive reaction at implementation of anti-doping control!

The instruction to Skandonest is submitted in the fact-finding purposes. Use of drug without participation of the doctor is not recommended.

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