Main > Diseases> Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever

Скарлатина у детей

The first official mentioning of a disease of scarlet fever is recorded more than four centuries ago. The name of a disease comes from Latin and literally designates "bright red", probably, because of the most obvious symptom of scarlet fever – characteristic red rash.

The most probable age of patients – after two and up to seven years. Scarlet fever in age limits up to two years occurs at children extremely seldom as the children's organism is still protected from penetration of an infection by maternal antibodies. Also exceptional cases of a disease of scarlet fever occur at adults. It should be noted that in comparison with other children's diseases which are, as a rule, transferred at adult age rather hard scarlet fever proceeds rather easier.

In a preschool age group (after contact with the virus carrier) the probability of infection with scarlet fever at children makes more than 40 percent. The children with the lowered immunity having allergic diseases, a hypovitaminosis belong to special risk group and also it is long being in a situation of the raised stress. Scarlet fever symptoms at children of this group are most brightly expressed, and the disease is transferred much heavier.

Scarlet fever reasons

The causative agent of scarlet fever (special type of a streptococcal infection) is transmitted through respiratory tracts at contact of the person with the person in the airborne way. Transfer of a virus is sometimes possible in the direct contact way (through the infected food, toys, things, etc.). Infection with scarlet fever at adults most often occurs through circulatory system when the disease-producing factor gets into blood through small grazes and skin scratches.

Scarlet fever symptoms

Not to miss time to start treatment of scarlet fever it is necessary to watch attentively displays of a disease, in time to differentiate it from other viral infections.

In most cases scarlet fever progresses promptly, as a rule, all probable symptoms of a disease it is possible to observe in the first days from the beginning of a disease.

The very first symptoms of scarlet fever at children are heat (body temperature increases to a mark of 38-40 degrees), throat pains. The child becomes slow-moving, sluggish, complains of an ache in all body and refuses to eat food. Rare, but probable satellites of this state are vomiting and a numerous liquid chair.

Often by the end of the first day of diseases (sometimes for the second day) on integuments of a breast and neck of the patient red small points appear. Rash promptly extends to a face and a body. Considerable defeat of the nasolabial triangle which is allocated with the sharply outlined borders against the background of other person is characteristic. Rashes on a body usually are located on the side surfaces of a trunk and in physiological folds of a body.

Rash at scarlet fever causes an intolerable itch in the child, integuments become hot and dry to the touch. Rashes pass approximately in a week after the beginning of a disease, leaving behind a strong peeling of skin which from a surface a foot and palms gets down the whole layers. To a normality skin of the patient is returned not earlier, than in two-three weeks.

Явный симптом скарлатины - внешний вид поверхности языкаOne more explicit symptom of scarlet fever at the child who it is necessary to notice is outward of a surface of language. In the onset of the illness language is covered with a dense layer of a whitish-brown plaque which in several days disappears and opens a bright crimson surface.

Scarlet fever practically in all cases is followed by tonsillitis since both of these diseases are caused by one contagium.

Types of scarlet fever

The disease of scarlet fever can proceed in five different types:

- easy

- moderately severe

- heavy

- erased

- hypertoxical

Two last look without timely treatment of scarlet fever pose a real threat for the patient's life. Danger to life consists not in the scarlet fever, and in heavy complications which it leaves behind.

Scarlet fever complications

Insidiousness of a disease of scarlet fever is that the streptococcus serving as the infection reason is capable not only to destroy cells of a human body, but also it is skillful under them "to mask". Such behavior the virus puts out of action immune system which together with the aggressor who intruded in an organism begins to destroy the own cells actively.

The most frequent complications which arise directly during the course of scarlet fever are defeats of a circulatory and nervous system. Further in the list of complications otitises, pharyngitis, sinusitis appear. Much less often kidneys, heart and a liver are surprised.

Heavy and deadly complications arise after recovery of the patient from scarlet fever. The following diseases belong to such complications: serious damage of heart valves, brain, kidneys, joints etc.

Emergence of heavy complications is directly connected with disturbance of the recommended treatment of scarlet fever or with incorrectly chosen tactics of maintaining the patient during a disease.

Treatment of scarlet fever

Обязательное правило лечения скарлатины - соблюдение всех предписаний врачаAt the disease proceeding benign the patient is allowed to undergo treatment for scarlet fever in house conditions (at a possibility of observance of strict isolation from other family members).

The obligatory rule for successful treatment of scarlet fever in any form is observance of all recommendations ordered by the doctor. This major factor will allow not only to recover in short terms from scarlet fever, but also to avoid further emergence of heavy complications.

Whether you know that:

The educated person is less subject to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes formation of the additional fabric compensating sick.