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from 1097 rub.

Solkovagin – the combined drug for cauterization of an erosion of a neck of uterus.Солковагин

Pharmacological action of Solkovagin

According to the instruction Solkovagin treats group of mestnonekrotiziruyushchy solutions for external use. It contains in the structure acetic, oxalic, nitric acid and zinc nitrate which promote dying off of cells (necrosis) of a dihundred-pyrobathing epithelium in the place of application of solution.

Normal the channel of a neck of uterus is covered by high cylindrical epithelial cells, and a vulval part of a neck of uterus, as well as a vagina, is covered with a multilayer flat epithelium. For various reasons the cylindrical epithelium moves to the area of a multilayer flat epithelium, and it can be found on the site of a neck. Such phenomenon is called an epithelium allotopia, or a pseudo-erosion which demands cauterization. Without treatment such site of an erosion can be infected or undergo a malignancy. Cauterization by Solkovagin does a malrelated epithelium and its stroma impractical, at the same time does not ruin more resistant multilayer flat epithelium. The devitalized site remains, and after a while is replaced with a usual epithelium of a neck.

Release form

Drug is produced in ampoules on 0,5 ml, on 2 in packaging.

Indications to Solkovagin's use

Solkovagin according to the instruction use for fight against high-quality regeneration of an epithelium of a neck of uterus in the form of its ectopia (for example, a pseudo-erosion, a cervical ectopia), at polyps of the cervical channel, but only if endometriosis is excluded, at granulomas after operational removal of a uterus and cysts of nabotovy glands. According to reviews Solkovagin is effective at superficial erosion, in case of stronger defeat it is necessary to choose other ways of treatment.


Cauterization by Solkovagin is forbidden in case of the malignant nature of damage of a neck of uterus and even if there is only a suspicion on it, at dysplastic character of an epithelium of the changed site, in case of intolerance of components of solution. Solkovagin's effects are unknown at its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding therefore in these cases it is not recommended to use drug also.

Application instruction of Solkovagin

Only specially trained gynecologist owning skills of a kolposkopiya can apply Solkovagin on the surface of a neck of uterus. Before treatment the research of the suspicious site of an epithelium on dysplastic or malignant regeneration as cauterization by Solkovagin is authorized only in case of a high-quality ectopia is obligatory. Hospitalization is not required, but it is necessary to carry out the procedure only in the conditions of medical institution.Раствор для местного применения Солковагин

The affected area of an epithelium before drawing has to be dry and pure. More accurately to define borders, before the procedure the struck zone is processed by 3% acetic solution. After that the ectopia zone twice with an interval of 1-2 minutes is irrigated with the tampon with a diameter about 0,5 cm moistened with Solkovagin's solution. In case of double processing the effect of cauterization will be more reliable. The processed site becomes light gray. One ampoule is enough for carrying out one cauterization. In 2 weeks control survey is necessary for healing control. If the positive take is not achieved, repeated double cauterization by Solkovagin is required. After that the gynecologist examines a neck of uterus in 4 weeks. Sometimes at big erosion if the desirable result is not achieved, 6 days later after control it is possible to apply drug once again.

It is necessary to handle with medical structure extremely with care, at hit on skin, vagina walls, in Solkovagin's eyes severe burns can become effects. If all this occurred, it is necessary to wash out urgently area of contact flowing water or in 1% hydrosodium carbonate (soda).

For the entire period of treatment the patient has to exclude bathing and bathtubs, vaginal sexual contacts.

This way of cauterization of an erosion of a neck of uterus painless and safe, does not exert the general impact on an organism, a good alternative to traditional methods of treatment by the laser. It is recommended for use for not giving birth women.

Side effects

According to Solkovagin when drawing on a neck of uterus can cause small local reddening and burning. If to apply Solkovagin according to the instruction, then serious side effects, including scarring and deformation of the cervical channel, are not noted.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

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Solkovagin solution for topical administration 0,5ml 2 pieces

1097 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Solkovagin solution наружн. фл 0.5ml No. 2, Valeant of Pharmaceutical / Legasi фармасьютик

1470 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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