Main > Diseases> Strongyloidosis


General information about a disease

Симптомы стронгилоидоза под кожей

The strongyloidosis is a chronic disease which is shown by various pathologies of digestive tract. A contagium – the intestinal ugritsa (Strongyloides stercoralis) – was for the first time described by the French doctor Normand who allocated it from excrements of sick people in 1876. For the next decades the strongyloidosis was studied rather well, however, in recent years interest in this disease significantly increased because it often is found in the people suffering from AIDS.

Strongyloidosis source is always the person, more precisely than his excrements with which eggs get to external environment. In the soil of a larva hatch, and then pass to the new carrier through skin or by the use of the infected food stuffs. In either case parasites migrate in a stomach and intestines where females lay new eggs. As a rule, the analysis (the strongyloidosis rather precisely is determined by tests a calla) shows existence of activators in the field of lyuberkyunovy glands of a duodenum, but in the absence of treatment of a strongyloidosis of ugriyets occupies new territories and quite often it is found throughout a small intestine and even in peloric department of a stomach.

Strongyloidosis symptoms

As parasites are localized in the most different bodies and fabrics, clinical manifestations of a strongyloidosis are very various. However, within the first 2-3 weeks the disease has the hidden character and proceeds almost asymptomatically. The first alarming symptoms of a strongyloidosis are shown only after the termination of an incubation interval and keep for several years, and remissions can be replaced by sharp aggravations.

It is worth carrying to symptoms of a strongyloidosis:

  • allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and blisters of pinkish-red color;
  • muscle and joints pains;
  • increase in the blood sedimentation rate (BSR);
  • increase in quantity of eosinophils in blood;
  • abdominal pains;
  • persistent diarrhea;
  • yellowness of integuments and scleras (it is shown not always).

Skin rashes at a strongyloidosis keep for 2-3 days then disappear, without leaving any marks. At the diagnosis the strongyloidosis, symptoms on skin are shown several times a year that is connected with migration of parasites on circulatory system. During the aggravation periods patients complain of dizziness, sleep disorders, weakness. Sometimes the pulmonary pathologies caused by an exit of larvae in a gleam of bronchial tubes are added to these symptoms of a strongyloidosis.

When the disease passes into a chronic form, the clinical picture changes. Depending on the available manifestations doctors allocate several common forms of a strongyloidosis:

  • the duadeno-cholecystis form of a strongyloidosis – differs in a slow current, the dull aching aches in right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite. At researches (X-ray, ultrasonography) deformations of a gall bladder are found;
  • the gastrointestinal form of a strongyloidosis – is shown by strong indications of a digestive disturbance – long locks or, on the contrary, impetuous ponosa. In a chair impurity of blood and slime are observed. Language of patients is laid over;
  • neuroallergic form of a strongyloidosis – on skin strongly pruritic rashes develop. They quickly disappear, but rashes succeed headaches, sleep disorders, irritability and weakness;
  • pulmonary – the activator is localized in respiratory system and provokes various pulmonary diseases.

Despite abundance of forms, in medical practice the mixed strongyloidosis which symptoms combine the main defeats of all vital systems of an organism most often meets. The most strongly destructive processes are shown at people with the weakened immunity.

Strongyloidosis – treatment of a disease

Таблетки для лечения стронгилоидоза

As the main drugs are used минтезол (thiabendazole) and albendazole. The course of treatment of a strongyloidosis lasts several days then at the patient retests on a strongyloidosis for possible correction of process of recovery undertake. Symptomatic means are applied to stopping of the strongest symptoms of a disease.

Prevention of a strongyloidosis

Prevention of a strongyloidosis is directed to early identification of patients and counteraction to environmental pollution of a fekalyama. For disinfecting of fecal masses chloric lime is used. The soil is cleared by means of pesticide of a karbation and various fertilizers (phosphatic, nitric, potash). It is also necessary to observe personal hygiene. It is desirable to refuse circulation on the ground barefoot, needlessly not to contaminate skin the earth, to carefully wash vegetables, fruit and berries. For work on personal plots it is reasonable to use special gloves and to wash hands before meal.

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