Main > Drugs> Taktivin


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from 782 rub.

Taktivin treats group of immunoexcitants which improve the general condition of T-system of immunity and support a normal ratio of lymphocytes. Drug strengthens protective functions of an organism, normalizes a metabolism and blood circulation.

Structure and form of release

The main active ingredients – Taktivin of 0,1 g and sodium chloride of 8,85 g.Тактивин

Auxiliary components: extract of a thymus gland of a cattle, the purified water.

Taktivin is issued in the form of tablets and solution for injections of intramuscular introduction.

Pharmacological properties of Taktivin

Taktivin fills an immunodeficiency, stimulates production of lymphokines and recovers the correct functioning of stem cells of hemopoietic type.

Taktivin received good comments as medicine for normalization of work of lymphatic system.

Taktivin removes intoxication effects organochlorine compounds, alcohols, phosphorus and other organic matters. Drug promotes removal of toxins and clarification of an organism.

Indications to Taktivin's use

Taktivin is appointed at the immunodeficiency caused:

  • diseases of respiratory system (pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis);
  • disturbances of functioning of a thymus gland (radial illness, thymus gland tumor, etc.);
  • malignant new growths;
  • diseases of lymphatic system;
  • sclerosis;
  • oftalmogerpesy;
  • skin defeats (psoriasis, dermatitis, deprive, a dermatosis);
  • viral diseases (ORZ, flu, viral hepatitis, etc.);
  • urological diseases.

Taktivin has positive reviews as drug for recovery of immunity after infectious, inflammatory and purulent diseases.

Taktivin increases protective functions of an organism after operations and bleedings.

Application instruction of Taktivin

According to the instruction Taktivin it is necessary to accept 1-2 times a day 20 mg. The course of treatment makes 5-10 days.

For maintenance of immunity and at its disturbances at an initial stage it is necessary to accept drug of 1 times a day on 10 mg, and at serious violations of immunity – on 20 mg 2 times a day. Duration of treatment makes 5 days.

For recovery of immunity after surgical intervention Taktivin it is necessary to accept within 2-3 days 2 times a day 20-40 mg.

The course of treatment of an oftalmogerpes lasts 14 days with breaks in one day. The dosage makes 20 mg 3 times a day.Тактивин в ампулах

According to the instruction Taktivin in the form of solution for intramuscular introduction is appointed the attending physician at multiple sclerosis as a part of complex therapy. At first the drug is administered on 1 ml a day within 5-10 days, and then appointed to enter 2-4 ml 2 times a week during all life.

Taktivin children should not appoint up to 6 months, and from 6 months to 10 years the dosage of drug should not exceed 2 mkg on 1 kg of weight. To children Taktivin in the evening days is recommended to accept.


Contraindications to Taktivin's appointment are hypersensitivity and intolerance of components of drug, bronchial asthma, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, children's age up to 6 months, a renal and liver failure, heart failure.

With caution drug should be taken to patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Side effects of Taktivin

Allergic reactions – urticaria, an itch, burning, eczema, a Quincke's edema, a bronchospasm, dermatitis can be side effects of Taktivin.

Drug can provoke an exacerbation of bronchial asthma, purulent infections and strengthening of a hyperimmune state.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Taktivin solution of 0,01% 1 ml 5 pieces

782 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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