The act of civil status – the legal fact (an event or action) which under the law is subject to registration in public authorities of the civil registration (CR). Treat Acts of civil status: birth, death, conclusion and divorce, adoption, marriage recognition invalid, establishment of guardianship, paternity, change of a name, middle name or surname, announcement by the dead.
The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.
The person, as well as all other beings living on our planet feels weather changing. It is normal meteosensitivity, not...
Section: Articles about healthThe nature does not stand stagnation and monotony. It is known that tissues of a human body atrophy if do not receive necessary loadings. It fully belongs also to a cerebral cortex: when it is not given full-time job, it begins to function worse. In резуль...
Section: Articles about healthWe live during an advertizing era. Daily each person receives a solid portion of persuasive councils about what to eat to be healthy and successful. Products about which we will talk today are combined by the following circumstance: all of them are positioned as the most useful and the most suitable for inclusion in a morning meal. Unfortunately, it is not true: these 10 products do not suit for breakfasts at all....
Section: Articles about healthHemorrhoids – extremely widespread disease. Periodically arising inflammations and bleeding of hemorrhoidal nodes пр...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person in many respects depends on chemical composition of biological liquids of an organism. Specialists consider that PH value of these solutions has to be in range of 7,35-7, 45. A deviation in the smaller party (so-called "acidulation") to a chra...
Section: Articles about healthThere is a lot of fans of beer in our country. Statistically, on each average Russian (including women and children) in a year about 60 liters of this drink are consumed. It is not a lot of, as in the Czech Republic or Germany, but figure all the same impressive. There is nothing to rejoice here: despite assurances of producers that beer is absolutely harmless, effects of its active consumption cannot be considered positive in any way. Here only part of that negative impact, which popular нап...
Section: Articles about healthWhite teeth and the Hollywood smile – a dream of many people. Long time was considered that a plaque on teeth and change of their color – destiny of those...
Section: Articles about healthThe depression not without reason is considered one their main troubles of our century: for scientific and technical progress, acceleration of rate of life and a surplus of information of people it is forced to pay with stresses, negative emotions and weakening of protective forces of an organism. As a result ш...
Section: Articles about healthVisit of doctors – business not the most pleasant, and many people do not hurry to undergo necessary planned inspections. Such behavior is extremely thoughtless and improvident. Our health is necessary not only to us: wellbeing of darlings, children, grandsons and aged parents directly depends on as far as we are vigorous and able-bodied. Therefore in time to be inspected – a duty of any modern person. Specialists consider that 7 regular surveys and di are especially necessary for women...
Section: Articles about healthFor many spouses the question of planning of a family is one of the main. The choice problem effect at the same time comes out on top...
Section: Articles about healthFor anybody not a secret that the modern person eats not as his ancestors. For the last 100 years in broad access there were absolutely new products which are result of use of the latest technologies in food production. Significantly changed спо...
Section: Articles about healthThe concept "gluten" (differently, a gluten) combines group of the proteins which are a part of rye, barley and wheat. For most of people the use of the food stuffs containing a gluten not only is safe, but also it is very useful. Nevertheless, there is a number of myths about negative effect which allegedly gluten has on health of the person....
Section: Articles about healthModern footwear is extremely various. It stopped being only protection for legs long ago. Today shoes, boots, barefoot persons in...
Section: Articles about healthLife of the modern child is extremely active and difficult. Information strain which is experienced by the school student and did not dream pupils of last times. Careful parents, wishing well to the children, will organize a set of additional classes in circles, sports...
Section: Articles about healthAbout 20% of the population of our planet have a hypertension (permanent increase in arterial pressure). This disease has an adverse effect on the standard of living, reduces working capacity, and in the absence of systematic treatment threatens with such complications as a myocardial infarction, a stroke and other heavy illnesses which can result in disability or sudden death. Most of patients for maintenance of pressure at more or less acceptable level accept appointed doctors лекарст...
Section: Articles about healthPopular joke that there are no healthy people, and is nedoobsledovanny, most of us considers an honest truth, and put that...
Section: Articles about healthAt this plant there are a lot of names: tuberiferous sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, solar root, earth pear. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an exotic plant at all. The wild girasol grows in a midland of Russia practically everywhere: at the edges of roads...
Section: Articles about healthThe naturopathy sometimes moves as the new direction of medicine, something like fashionable hobby, and there is nothing farther from the truth. This most ancient direction, the word "naturopathy" is translated as "treatment by the nature", and, no doubt, treatment by natural gifts was the first and only, available to the person in ancient times. Despite modern achievements of medicine, the naturopathy remains urgent and today, anyway the person - a part of the nature, and природн...
Section: Articles about healthAll like to sing. Small children with pleasure are engaged in a vocal, not especially thinking of hit in a melody. Adults most often...
Section: Articles about healthAny of us is not insured from a heavy illness of the loved one. Happens and so that someone from family members becomes the bed patient, and remains in such state for a long time. It extremely suppresses both the most injured, and all it to...
Section: Articles about healthWork of a brain is extremely complex and in many respects is not studied yet. It is confirmed also by the features of thought processes which are shown when the person sleeps. Let's tell about some of them....
Section: Articles about healthThe endocrine system carries out in a human body extremely important role, practically all processes of life activity регулируютс...
Section: Articles about healthEyes – unique body on the structure thanks to which the person obtains about 80% of information on the world around: about a form, color, size, the movement, and also many other parameters of objects or phenomena. But whether much we know about the most valuable body...
Section: Articles about healthAll of us, unfortunately, should face flu nearly an every year. It would seem, so frequent disease has to be studied already up and down, and each person, at least once to them had (and the number of such people in our country aims at 100%), has to know the basic rules of its treatment. However as shows experience of doctors, there is no it, and often people, self-confidently thinking what is known as it is necessary to be treated, make mistakes....
Section: Articles about healthThe pine is one of the most widespread plants of our woods. Its needles and pitch not without reason called by "gallipot", since ancient times испол...
Section: Articles about healthThe thought that the mass of their body is too big at least once in life visits from 80 to 95% of women. Many women are so obsessed with this idea that constantly try all new and new ways of weight reduction. Considerable part of these method...
Section: Articles about healthCoffee – favourite drink of many. For the last decades it more than once already declared very harmful, extremely useful and even necessary for normal life activity. In spite of the fact that this product became for us usual for a long time, there are many myths about properties of coffee and its impact on a human body. Readers can get acquainted with the most widespread of similar delusions today....
Section: Articles about health