Main > Medical terms> Ampoule of II

Ampoule of II

Ampoule of II (ampulla) – the term applied in anatomy. The ampoule represents a venter of tubular body (a gut, a channel, the semicircular channel).


  • Ampoule a bone lobby (back, lateral) [ampulla ossea anterior (posterior, lateralis) – PNA (The anatomic nomenclature Parisian), BNA (The anatomic nomenclature Basel), JNA (The anatomic nomenclature Yenskaya)] – an ampoule front (back, lateral) the semicircular channel located in a bone labyrinth of an inner ear;
  • Ampoule of a uterine tube [ampulla tubae uterinae – PNA (The anatomic nomenclature Parisian), BNA (The anatomic nomenclature Basel), JNA (The anatomic nomenclature Yenskaya)] – the ampoule located between a funnel and an isthmus of a uterine tube;
  • Ampoule a webby lobby (back, lateral) [ampulla membranacea anterior (posterior, lateralis) – PNA (The anatomic nomenclature Parisian), BNA (The anatomic nomenclature Basel), JNA (The anatomic nomenclature Yenskaya)] – an ampoule front (back, lateral) the semicircular channel located in a webby labyrinth of an inner ear;
  • Ampoule a hepatopancreas [ampulla hepatopancreatica – PNA (The anatomic nomenclature Parisian); synonyms: a faterova an ampoule, fater a diverticulum] – the ampoule located in a junction of a pancreat duct and mouths of the general bilious channel (in a big nipple of a duodenum);
  • Rectum ampoule [ampulla recti – PNA (The anatomic nomenclature Parisian), BNA (The anatomic nomenclature Basel); pars ampullaris recti – JNA (The anatomic nomenclature Yenskaya)] – the gut ampoule located in front of the anal channel;
  • Ampoule of a deferent duct [ampulla ductus deferentis – PNA (The anatomic nomenclature Parisian), BNA (The anatomic nomenclature Basel), JNA (The anatomic nomenclature Yenskaya)] – the ampoule located before falling of a deferent duct into an ejaculatory channel (behind a bladder).
Whether you know that:

The well-known drug "Viagra" was initially developed for treatment of an arterial hypertension.