Main > Medical terms> Arthrosis


Arthrosis (arthrosis; Greek arthron – the joint relating to a joint + Greek - Usis (словообраз. a suffix) – a disease; synonym: an osteoarthrosis) – the general name of diseases of joints which cornerstone the degeneration of a joint cartilage leading to its thinning and a razvolokneniye, an exposure of the subject bone, bone growths and disturbance of congruence of joint surfaces is.

Allocate the following types of arthrosis:

  • Secondary (secundaria) – is an outcome of the disease or injuries of joints;
  • Generalized (generalisata; synonyms: arthrosis is polyarticulary, polyarthrosis) – is characterized by multiple damages of joints;
  • Deforming (deformans) – is characterized by the expressed hyperplastic and destructive changes of the joint ends of bones; it is shown by severe pains, the progressing dysfunction and a considerable defiguration of joints; more often knee and hip joints are surprised;
  • Primary (primaria; synonym: arthrosis genuinical) – development begins without the noticeable reason; affects not changed joint cartilages at the same time in many joints; it is most often observed at patients of 40 years;
  • Unkovertebralny (uncovertebralis; lat. uncus – a hook, education similar to a hook + vertebra – a vertebra) – the deforming arthrosis of the joints forming in addition between shoots on the posterolateral surfaces of the III-VII cervical vertebras; it is shown in the form of symptoms of humeral and cervical neuritis and other neurologic symptoms.
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