Main > Medical terms> Aspermatism


Aspermatism (aspermatismus; and - – otritsa. Greek sperma, spermatos – sperm, a seed) – absence is frequent + at sexual intercourse of an ejaculation.

Allocate the following types of an aspermatism:

  • Artificial (artificialis) – arises after operation of vasoligation;
  • True (verus; synonym: the aspermatism neuromental) – arises because of disturbances of ejection of sperm in an urethra gleam against the background of psychological frustration;
  • False (spurius) – is caused by high viscosity of sperm, disturbances of passability of an urethra, or its pelting in a bladder gleam against the background of an atony of an internal sphincter;
  • Mechanical (mechanicus) – a false aspermatism, is caused by the acquired or congenital anomalies of an urethra;
  • Neuroreceptor (устар.; neuroreceptorius) – a true aspermatism, is caused by total loss or decrease in sensitivity of nerve terminations of an urethra and body, and also a balanus;
  • Psychogenic (psychogenus; synonym: the aspermatism is cortical, устар.) – the true aspermatism, is caused by the braking influence on an eyakulyatorny reflex of any mental factors, for example, of emotional;
  • Spinal (spinalis) – a true aspermatism, is caused by damage of a spinal cord.
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