Main > Medical terms> Eye astigmatism

Eye astigmatism

Eye astigmatism (astigmatismus; and - – otritsa. Greek stigmatos, stigma – a point) – the anomaly of a refraction which is characterized by the fact that the refracting force of optical system of an eye differs in various meridians because of what the beams proceeding from any point of space do not give the dot focal image on a retina is frequent +.

Allocate the following types of an astigmatism of an eye:

  • With slanting axes – the main meridians do not match horizontal and vertical meridians of an eye;
  • Wrong (irregularis) – is characterized by distinctions of the refracting force not only in different meridians of an eye, but also on its different pieces within the same meridian;
  • Return (reversus) – the refracting force in the main vertical meridian of an eye is less, than in horizontal;
  • Correct (regularis) – the refracting force in each of meridians of an eye does not change within an optical zone;
  • Simple (simplex) – is characterized by an emmetropia in one of the main meridians of an eye, in the friend – an ametropia;
  • Idle time of gipermetropicheskiya (simplex hypermetropicus) – is characterized by a hypermetropia in one of the main meridians of an eye;
  • Idle time of miopicheskiya (simplex myopicus) – is characterized by a myopia in one of the main meridians of an eye;
  • Direct (rectus) – the refracting force in a vertical main meridian of an eye is more, than in horizontal;
  • Corneal (cornealis) – is caused by uneven curvature of a cornea;
  • Difficult (compositus) – is characterized by an ametropia of one look, but different degree, in two main meridians of an eye;
  • Difficult gipermetropicheskiya (compositus hypermetropicus; synonym: the astigmatism of gipermetropo-gipermetropicheskiya) – is characterized by a hypermetropia of different degree in two main meridians of an eye;
  • Difficult miopicheskiya (compositus myopicus; synonym: the astigmatism of miopo-miopicheskiya) – is characterized by a myopia of different degree in two main meridians of an eye;
  • Mixed (mixtus; synonym: an astigmatism of miopo-gipermetropicheskiya) – an astigmatism at a myopia in one of the main meridians of an eye, in another – a hypermetropia;
  • Physiological (physiologicus) – often found correct direct astigmatism of small degree (to 0,5 dioptries) which is not leading to development of a vision disorder and not needing, as a rule, correction;
  • Lenticular (lenticularis) – is caused by irregular shape of a crystalline lens.
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