Asthmatic triad – a combination of bronchial asthma, recuring polypose of okolonosovy bosoms and a nose, to intolerance of aspirin, and medicines of a pyrazolon row; is predictively adverse option of a course of infectious and allergic bronchial asthma.
If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.
Musicotherapy – a treatment method which caused and causes a set of a controversy concerning its efficiency. However the facts are relentless:...
Section: Articles about healthWood louse – the ordinary-looking unpretentious plant extended in all territory of our country. It quickly expands, and sometimes fills sites, bringing a lot of chagrin to gardeners. Perhaps, they would be upset less if knew that the wood louse is the prices...
Section: Articles about healthCellulitis - very widespread cosmetic shortcoming which arises approximately at 80% of women sooner or later. Emergence it is connected with change of structure of a hypodermic fatty layer. At the same time on the surface of skin at first there are roughnesses (cambers and cavities), and then small consolidations, the so-called effect of an orange-peel is shown. Changes in a condition of hypodermic cellulose are a consequence of a hormonal imbalance in an organism....
Section: Articles about healthThe drugs stopping or oppressing life activity of pathogenic microorganisms are widely applied in clinical practice with 4...
Section: Articles about healthWe live during an advertizing era. Daily each person receives a solid portion of persuasive councils about what to eat to be healthy and successful. Products about which we will talk today are combined by the following circumstance: all of them are positioned as most...
Section: Articles about healthAt this plant there are a lot of names: tuberiferous sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, solar root, earth pear. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an exotic plant at all. The wild girasol grows in a midland of Russia practically everywhere: at the edges of roads, to slopes of ravines, on heathlands. Also several cultural versions different from wild plants are removed by larger and juicy root crops....
Section: Articles about healthFor anybody not a secret that our country is one of the most "drinking" in the world. At clear understanding of that the use of strong...
Section: Articles about healthBees – really unique beings. Practically all products of their life activity are used by the person. Since the most ancient times medicinal properties of honey and other substances received in the course of beekeeping are known. The fact that all these пр is especially significant...
Section: Articles about healthThe pine is one of the most widespread plants of our woods. Its needles and pitch not without reason called by "gallipot" were since ancient times used for strengthening of protective forces of an organism, treatment of avitaminosis, anemia and many other diseases. In recent years wide popularity was gained by the national medicines prepared from pinecones. "Fruits" of a coniferous tree contain a huge amount of vitamins, biologically active agents, antioxidants, phytoncides and other useful to...
Section: Articles about healthPhysical activity is necessary for normal functioning of a human body. At a lack of the movement cease функц...
Section: Articles about healthFor most of the working people the problem of having a snack is particularly acute enough. Sooner or later there is a question: what can be eaten quickly between a breakfast and a lunch or a lunch and leaving from service so that to receive necessary power feed, but not an overload...
Section: Articles about healthDogrose – one of the most widespread adornment and medicinal plants growing practically in all territory of our country. To most of Russians it is a beautiful bush it is known, first of all, as a source of fruits, extremely vitamin-rich. However curative properties of a dogrose are not limited to it at all. About how still it is possible to use a plant in the medical purposes, we will tell today....
Section: Articles about healthMany parents of children at the age of 2-4 years face excessively whimsical behavior of the child. The kid exhausts constant crying...
Section: SlideshowScientists have no unambiguous opinion on a proximate cause of emergence of a carcinoma cutaneum today. Only the factors promoting development of this illness are precisely established. Treat them: long impact on skin of ultraviolet rays, radioactive...
Section: Articles about healthPractically each person is familiar with the annoying, pulling, unscrewing pains caused by overcooling of muscles of a back. In certain cases inflammatory process is not limited to discomfort, being followed by emergence of hypostasis, consolidations, temperature increase. At the wrong treatment the acute miositis can lead to a chronic disease or aggravation of other pathologies of a back (vertebral hernia, osteochondrosis) therefore it is important to pay attention to symptoms of an illness in time and to start to...
Section: Articles about healthThere is an opinion that at low temperatures safety of products is ensured longer and better thanks to what the refrigerator considers...
Section: Articles about healthChildbirth is the most important event in life of each woman. We are women we give birth to the new little man on this light. Now the tendency to that was outlined, as men want to participate in labor too. But there is a question and whether it is worth allowing the husband...
Section: Articles about healthAbout influence of fasting days on an organism it is told much – both about advantages, and about shortcomings. It is considered that fasting day in the form of a short-term monodiet is useful, promoting effective removal of slags from an organism whereas irregular, excessively long, spontaneous fasting days lead only to deterioration in health. How to derive benefit from the sparing diet and not to do much harm to itself? Let's consider the main advantages and shortcomings of fasting days and their influence on an org...
Section: Articles about healthPeople know that thermal sources have salutary force long ago. Treatment by natural waters is one and...
Section: Articles about healthNightmares belong to the most unpleasant frustration. Statistically, they happen at 4% of adults, and almost at 70% of children and teenagers. During a nightmare of people dreams himself in extremely difficult, life-threatening situation. It wakens suddenly, in...
Section: Articles about healthCold – a state known to everyone which is followed by cold, cough, high temperature, a pharyngalgia. Often the first that we begin to do in hope again to become healthy – to accept medicines which are not always harmless whereas it is easy to facilitate displays of a disease by means of natural means. They not only softly eliminate disease symptoms, but also enrich the weakened organism with useful substances. We present you 8 drinks which are successfully used for...
Section: Articles about healthThe climax, or menopause is the normal process of the termination of genital function of the woman which is followed serious hormonal...
Section: Articles about healthNot everyone can brag of the shining Hollywood smile. Even the person who is regularly visiting the stomatologist and watching of oral cavities over health periodically has problems: enamel of teeth darkens under the influence of some products, on it I accumulate...
Section: Articles about healthIt is possible to find the extensive range of fruit and vegetables in modern shops. Russians already got used that on counters there is not only a seasonal domestic production, but the vegetables and fruit which are grown up in the countries with more comfortable conditions of cultivation at all seasons of the year. However what we see in shops and in the vegetable markets, is only a small part of those edible plants with which the nature is so rich. Today we want to acquaint the reader with rare and very useful vegetables which on...
Section: Articles about healthNew year, wedding, birthday, office party – an occasion to drink at the Russian person will always be. How to reduce a negative impact...
Section: Articles about healthSometimes it seems that modern society was divided into two camps: representatives of the first are sure that only the woman has to be responsible for contraception, representatives of the second, respectively, are sure that it is destiny of men. Meanwhile Dov has a question of contraception...
Section: Articles about healthFrom sexual contacts each person can test insufficiently strongly expressed sexual desire or lack of satisfaction from time to time. However when it happens regularly, it is an occasion to think about health. Most of people does not hurry to ask similar questions physicians: one consider that they will be able to cope with malfunctions independently, others hesitate to report to strangers about so delicate problems and hope that troubles will stop by itself....
Section: Articles about health