Main > Medical terms> Athetosis


Athetosis (athetosis; the Greek athetos which does not have a certain situation unstable; synonym: a hyperkinesia atetoidny) – a hyperkinesia which is characterized by the involuntary slow elaborate, stereotypic movements of small volume in distal departments of extremities which are quite often extending to face muscles and proximal departments of extremities. Develops at defeats of a striate body in the field of a kernel having a tail and a shell.


  • Athetosis double (athetosis duplex: synonym: an athetosis bilateral) – a generalized athetosis at children in the first months of life; it is caused by perinatal or hereditary defeats of kernels of a brain.
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The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.