Main > Medical terms> Azotemia


Azotemia (azotaeimia; Greek and - – otritsa. zoe – life + Greek haima – blood is frequent +; synonym: a hyperazotemia) – the excess content in blood of the products of protein metabolism containing nitrogen.


  • Azotemia obturatsionny (azotaeimia obturativa) – the retentsionny azotemia which arose because of disturbance of outflow of urine on uric ways at their prelum or obstruction;
  • Azotemia extrarenal (azotaeimia extrarenalis; synonym: an azotemia extrarenal) – the azotemia developing in the absence of diseases of kidneys, for example, at a circulatory unefficiency or the strengthened disintegration of proteins in an organism;
  • Azotemia retentsionny – an azotemia which is caused by incomplete removal of the metabolites containing nitrogen with urine. The azotemia retentsionny can be observed at obturation of uric ways, diseases of kidneys, disturbances of renal blood circulation;
  • Azotemia productional – an azotemia which is caused by the increased disintegration of fabric proteins in an organism at burns and wounds, extensive inflammations, diseases of blood, a cachexia and observed even at rather kept secretory function of kidneys;
  • Azotemia renal (azotaeimia renalis; synonym: an azotemia renal) – the azotemia connected with disturbance of secretory function of kidneys;
  • Azotemia hloriprivny (azotaeimia chloripriva) – the azotemia connected with plentiful losses by a chlorine organism, for example, at pernicious vomiting.
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