Main > Medical terms> Short-sightedness


Short-sightedness (myopia, Greek myo – щурю + ops – an eye; synonyms: an eye refraction miopichesky, a myopia) – the anomaly of a refraction of an eye which is characterized by an arrangement of the main focus of optical system of an eye between a crystalline lens and a retina.

Types of short-sightedness:

  • Inborn (congenita) – the rare form of short-sightedness caused by anomalies of development of an eyeglobe and established from the first days of life;
  • High (alta) – degree of which exceeds 6,0 dioptries;
  • Combinational (combinativa) – differing in the fact that length of an optical axis of an eye and the refracting force of its optical system, do not exceed the values inherent to an emmetropia, but at the same time their combination cannot provide a normal refraction; has small degree;
  • False (falsa; synonym: a pseudo-myopia, short-sightedness spasmodic) – caused by the accommodation spasm (raised by a tone of a ciliary muscle) and passing at normalization of a tone;
  • Night (nocturna; synonym: short-sightedness twilight) – appearing at persons with an emmetropichesky refraction of an eye at low illumination and disappearing at its increase;
  • Axial (axialis) – developing with too big length of an optical axis of an eye;
  • Complicated (complicata) – followed by decrease in sight and anatomic changes of an eye;
  • Progressing (progressiva) – differing in gradual increase in its degree, owing to stretching of back department of an eye;
  • Professional (professionalis; synonym: a myopia working) – developing in case of the long tension of sight when examining objects at a short distance;
  • Refraction (refractiva; synonym: short-sightedness optical) – developing owing to the excess refracting force of optical system of an eye;
  • Tranzitorny (transitoria) – noted at medicamentous influences and various diseases (reception of sulfanamide drugs, a diabetes mellitus and so on) passing false short-sightedness;
  • School – appearing at pupils owing to hard visual work at a short distance at the weakened accommodation.
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