Galtona a whistle (the English anthropologist and the psychologist of F. Galton, 1822-1911) – the generator of sounds of high frequency (4000-20000 Hz); represents the hollow cylinder having adjustable length into which blow air by means of a rubber barrel; it is used when determining the upper bound of acoustical frequencys which perceives an acoustic organ.
According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.
We live during an advertizing era. Daily each person receives a solid portion of persuasive councils about what to eat to be здо...
Section: Articles about healthDeciding to get rid of an addiction, not all imagine what effects it is necessary to face. Process of refusal of smoking causes quite essential discomfort in most of people: differences of mood, sleep disorder, fatigue, decrease физич...
Section: Articles about healthTick-borne encephalitis – one of the most dangerous viral diseases which causative agents transfer and is given to people by ixodic mites. These are the small blood-sicking insects living in the considerable territory of our country. The person bitten by a tick can catch also erlikhiozy, bartonnelezy, babeziozy, mycoplasmosis and Lyme's disease. As well as encephalitis, these illnesses affect the central nervous system, and as specific antiviral therapy does not exist, the forecast very to a neuta...
Section: Articles about healthPractically each person is familiar with the annoying, pulling, unscrewing pains caused by overcooling of muscles of a back. In некото...
Section: Articles about healthAt this plant there are a lot of names: tuberiferous sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, solar root, earth pear. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an exotic plant at all. The wild girasol grows in a midland of Russia practically everywhere: at the edges of roads...
Section: Articles about healthSmoking not only exerts a negative impact on the state of health of the consumer of tobacco products, but is an air polluter the substances potentially dangerous to people around. In recent years significantly the number of the people aiming to get rid of an addiction increased. Business this difficult: having left off smoking, the person immediately begins to suffer from abstinence. Besides, many yesterday's smokers feel at first great disappointment as улучш...
Section: Articles about healthIt is pleasant to state a possibility of improvement of quality of life of people with problems of functioning of secretory system. By efforts that...
Section: Articles about healthLife does not indulge the modern woman special emotional comfort and carelessness. The fatigue, troubles at work, misunderstanding in a family and various illnesses immediately affect a condition of hair and skin. And to look safe and attractive so хоч...
Section: Articles about healthCoffee - the tonic loved by many for the invigorating aroma and deep taste. Having the stimulating effect, coffee increases working capacity, promotes concentration of attention, fights against drowsiness and improves mood. Statistically, about 30% of inhabitants of the planet regularly use coffee, from them more than 8% are "coffee-achievers" - the persons using more than 3 cups of drink a day....
Section: Articles about healthFor many spouses the question of planning of a family is one of the main. The choice problem effect at the same time comes out on top...
Section: Articles about healthPeople know that thermal sources have salutary force long ago. Treatment by natural waters is one of the most ancient methods of disposal of the most different diseases. Bathtubs, souls, wrappings and inhalations, in combination with reception of water vnut...
Section: Articles about healthAccording to data of World Health Organization, the cataract is diagnosed almost for 7% of the population of Earth. The statistics of incidence is considered not full as at an initial stage the illness, as a rule, does not cause to the person of special inconveniences, and many diseased sees doctors not at once. The cataract is not only one of the most widespread ophthalmologic illnesses, but also the reason of a half of cases of loss of sight....
Section: Articles about healthTurnip, radish, horse-radish – once these and other products enjoyed wide popularity at our ancestors, being not only food, N...
Section: Articles about healthThe popular expression "run from a heart attack" became the motto of the people supporting active lifestyle. Moreover, run became a peculiar fashionable tendency: sales of racetracks and the accompanying goods for run are at permanently high level. Really...
Section: Articles about healthThe pine is one of the most widespread plants of our woods. Its needles and pitch not without reason called by "gallipot" were since ancient times used for strengthening of protective forces of an organism, treatment of avitaminosis, anemia and many other diseases. In recent years wide popularity was gained by the national medicines prepared from pinecones. "Fruits" of a coniferous tree contain a huge amount of vitamins, biologically active agents, antioxidants, phytoncides and other useful to...
Section: Articles about healthThe cosmetics intended for improvement of a condition of skin, nails and hair are used by each woman. Expenses on регуля...
Section: Articles about healthGood appetite was always considered as a sign of good health. The correct operation of the mechanism which is responsible for the need for nutrients and receiving pleasure from process of its satisfaction demonstrates that the organism functions without special from...
Section: Articles about healthZone hypostases under eyes - very widespread problem giving to people is a lot of inconvenience. Hypodermic fabric in these parts has very loose structure and almost does not contain collagenic fibers. Besides, the skin covering подглазья constantly is exposed to compression and stretching when the person blinks, blinks, etc. These features also create premises for emergence of the so-called bags which are giving to the face a tired and sickly look, and also visually adding increased...
Section: Articles about healthThere is an opinion that at low temperatures safety of products is ensured longer and better thanks to what the refrigerator considers...
Section: Articles about healthUrogenital candidiasis (milkwoman) – a fungal infection which annoys unpleasant feelings in the field of generative organs, being followed by white curdled allocations, an itch, discomfort during an urination, pain. She is called by Candida fungus – a mustache...
Section: Articles about healthCoffee – favourite drink of many. For the last decades it more than once already declared very harmful, extremely useful and even necessary for normal life activity. In spite of the fact that this product became for us usual for a long time, there are many myths about properties of coffee and its impact on a human body. Readers can get acquainted with the most widespread of similar delusions today....
Section: Articles about healthA little more than a century ago goat milk was a traditional food stuff of most of Russians. Unfortunately, today on tables...
Section: Articles about healthThe dietology, as well as other sciences, does not stand still. Food stuffs are exposed to comprehensive study, and scientists obtain new information on their properties and influence on a human body. Unfortunately, this reasonable and natural process from time to time д...
Section: Articles about healthThe next flu epidemic leads to the next panic, from year to year we give in on these manipulations: professionally alarming voice of the announcer in news, reports with calculation of the died patients, an interview with people in white dressing gowns and advertizing of anti-influenza means of different degree of inefficiency. All this reminds the Hollywood movies of epidemics threatening to destroy our planet. However, there is also one more similarity to cinema: everything comes to an end well. So, how to deal with the events, not in...
Section: Articles about healthThe Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are plants or animals (as a rule, agricultural) in whose genotype...
Section: Articles about healthVenereal diseases in medicine are called the infections which are transmitted preferential sexually, now they and are called - infections, sexually transmitted, or STD. Among them is also life-threatening. In spite of the fact that majority...
Section: Articles about healthAll the known slogan "Protect Men!" arose not from scratch. In a sense, the nature created men much less adapted for vital disorders, than it seems at first sight. Statistically, men are ill more often, than women, have the majority of illnesses heavier and earlier die. The situation is aggravated with the fact that our fathers, husbands, brothers and sons are not always inclined to care for the health. Partly it happens because of unwillingness of t...
Section: Articles about health