Main > Medical terms> Gastroesophagostomy


Gastroesophagostomy (gastroesophagostomia; Greek gaster, gastros – a stomach + anatomic esophagus – a gullet + Greek stoma – an opening; synonyms: the ezofagofundostomiya, esophagogastrostomy) – surgery on imposing of an anastomosis between a gullet and a stomach, is carried out for the purpose of a bypass of natural connection between them at gastric impassability owing to an achalasia, a stricture (narrowing) of a gullet or a malignant tumor; the gastroesophagostomy is carried out seldom as the gastric juice, getting into a gullet through such artificial opening, causes its inflammation and a stricture.

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Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.