Geberdena small knots (W. Heberden, the English doctor, 1710-1801) – the bone dense growths proceeding from heads of averages and the bases of trailer phalanxes, noted at the deforming arthrosis of distal (distant) interphalangeal joints of a brush.
The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.
The winter swimming in open reservoirs called in our country by "winter swimming" – officially recognized sport and one of the ek...
Section: Articles about healthImpossibility to conceive the child – a trouble of many Russian families. During quite long time was considered that main "culprits" of troubles such are women. Modern physicians claim that the situation is different: about a half of failures at...
Section: Articles about healthThe medicine promptly develops, and the fact that else quite recently it seemed by miracle can now. We are not surprised any more to the fact that people with artificial joints and extremities can play sports, organ transplantation became a routine, and the latest cancer medicine allowed to achieve reduction of mortality in tens of times. Miracles of plastic surgery thanks to which people in 60 years are in the flower of beauty and freshness, too not a sensation any more....
Section: Articles about healthAntibiotics - - it is possible to call the chemical compounds suppressing growth of bacteria the break in the field of medicine which allowed to save persons...
Section: Articles about healthDark circles (bruises) under eyes – a shortcoming with most of which often fight against the help of cosmetics (proofreaders, saloon procedures and so forth), eliminating only its visibility. However, according to doctors, skin around eyes – the indicator of many disturbances in an organism...
Section: Articles about healthThe healthy nutrition is the invariable principle of health and good health for long years of the woman. Nevertheless, in a diet at each stage of life there are the features allowing to support an organism by those substances which are most necessary for it at present. Eating according to them, the woman will be able to feel vigorous and strong, and also to adapt to changes in an organism so that they allowed it to lead active lifestyle at any age....
Section: Articles about healthAccording to data of World Health Organization, the cataract is diagnosed almost for 7% of the population of Earth. Statistics we get sick...
Section: Articles about healthAging — natural and inevitable process. Over time our skin loses elasticity, on it saggings are formed, the face form loses former clearness. The procedure of nitevy lifting (nitevy tightening) can successfully solve this problem. In order that it is better познако...
Section: Articles about healthThe sclera and mucous membrane of an eye are intensively supplied with blood vessels which problem - to saturate nervous tissues of body with nutrients and oxygen. In a normality vessels are almost not noticeable, however at their expansion (owing to thinning of walls) become visible, painting a sclera in red color. Quite often red eyes - the signal of any trouble in an organism caused as external irritants, allergens, and diseases which need in about...
Section: Articles about healthHealth and attractiveness - eternal values, pursuing which people often use the most unusual ingredients and technicians...
Section: Articles about healthPopular joke that there are no healthy people, and is nedoobsledovanny, most of us considers an honest truth, continually it is necessary to hear that all of us are sick hardly from a school bench. It is hard to say, whether so it actually because...
Section: Articles about healthAll like to sing. Small children with pleasure are engaged in a vocal, not especially thinking of hit in a melody. Adults most often hesitate, being afraid to show lack of talents in this area, and it is vain: singing is very useful for health....
Section: Articles about healthThe phenomenon of the panic attack is known long ago, but the reasons of its emergence still are up to the end not found out. It is established that more than 30%...
Section: Articles about healthThe metabolism at each person proceeds in own way. However between the speed of this process and disposal of excess weight after all all have a dependence. Unfortunately, the people inclined to try on itself numerous "miracle" diets, not always at...
Section: Articles about healthHistory of use of an anesthesia during operations contains more than 160 years. Annually in the world hundreds of thousands of surgical interventions during which to patients the substances immersing them in a dream and saving from pain are entered are carried out. Using an anesthesia many myths and delusions are still connected. It is worth getting acquainted with the most widespread of them....
Section: Articles about healthInsufficiently strongly expressed sexual desire or lack of satisfaction from sexual contacts can test time from in...
Section: Articles about healthYou are office worker, the driver, the fan of winter sports or do not think of life without bicycle? You lead a slow-moving life and you move on the city only on the car? You have no constant partner and you do not love the protected sex? Attention! You one...
Section: Articles about healthCoffee – favourite drink of many. For the last decades it more than once already declared very harmful, extremely useful and even necessary for normal life activity. In spite of the fact that this product became for us usual for a long time, there are many myths about properties of coffee and its impact on a human body. Readers can get acquainted with the most widespread of similar delusions today....
Section: Articles about healthTurnip, radish, horse-radish – once these and other products enjoyed wide popularity at our ancestors, being not only food, N...
Section: Articles about healthToday about 30 diseases, sexually transmitted are known. Wide circulation of these illnesses is extremely promoted by the dual attitude towards them: on the one hand, most of people know about "shameful" diseases and not a stirrup very little...
Section: Articles about healthObesity is called a disease of 21 centuries, for the last 100 years the number of the people suffering from excess body weight considerably increased. Statistically, on Earth already about 1,5 billion corpulent people, and 500 million from them have the extreme degree of completeness negatively affecting quality and duration of their life. What served as the reason of growth of stout persons on the planet? How not to get to their ranks? Let's consider five main premises for increase in body weight in conditions современнос...
Section: Articles about healthAccording to doctors, more than a half of men of 25-50 years suffer from frustration of the urinogenital sphere, but sees a doctor from them меньшинс...
Section: Articles about healthEKO, or extracorporal fertilization - a method of treatment of infertility which became the reason of a set of broken-down copies in due time accused the people working on its creation neither more nor less of rivalry good luck. Already very few people deny the rights...
Section: Articles about healthFor the help to doctors in the choice of optimal solutions for treatment of various diseases the Cochrane scientific organization (Cochrane) conducts joint researches with representatives of scientific community around the world. The analysis of a series of the conducted researches of the drug Oscillococcinum® relating to group of cold remedies became one of the last methanolyses....
Section: Articles about healthThe concept "gluten" (differently, a gluten) combines group of the proteins which are a part of rye, barley and wheat. For most of people упот...
Section: Articles about healthIt seems, quite recently you brought the baby from maternity hospital, but time flew by, and here it is already going to join the first in life children's collective. How to prepare the child for visit of a garden? What needs to teach him to facilitate process адап...
Section: Articles about healthThey say that to ensure health and longevity of people it is obliged. Really, at competent approach to these questions, minimization of an adverse effect of many factors does not represent a special problem. Practically everyone has an opportunity to play sports, to pick up an optimum operating mode and rest, to adjust healthy food, to refuse addictions. It is more difficult to exclude hit in an organism of harmful substances through a respiratory organs: not all are able to afford to live in the area with хо...
Section: Articles about health