Geboid (heboidum, Greek hebe – youth, youthful age + Greek eidos – a look; synonym: гебоид criminal) – the person which is characterized by dominance of the lowest inclinations (tendency to sexual excesses, theft, abuse of drugs and alcohol, vagrancy) which are combined with a parasitic way of life, social disadaptation and clear emotional coarsening; are noted among patients with psychopathies and schizophrenia at youthful and pubertal age.
Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.
Traveling all over the world, many try to try the most exotic dishes of national cuisines. Exists even so-called died away...
Section: Articles about health"Epilepsy" doctors made the diagnosis in antique times. Displays of an illness and pattern of its development are very well studied. However for nonspecialists this disease remains to not less mysterious, than in the ancient time. Many delusions are connected with epilepsy...
Section: Articles about healthStatistically, pathologies of a thyroid gland in the world more than 500 million people have. Failures in work of this body lead to heavy disbolism, development of heart diseases, vessels, a reproductive and nervous system. In hard cases excess or insufficient production of the main hormones of a thyroid gland (thyroxine and triiodothyronine) leads to essential decline in quality of life and disability....
Section: Articles about healthHemorrhoids – extremely widespread disease. Periodically arising inflammations and bleeding of hemorrhoidal nodes пр...
Section: Articles about healthVenereal diseases in medicine are called the infections which are transmitted preferential sexually, now they and are called - infections, sexually transmitted, or STD. Among them is also life-threatening. In spite of the fact that majority...
Section: Articles about healthCellulitis - very widespread cosmetic shortcoming which arises approximately at 80% of women sooner or later. Emergence it is connected with change of structure of a hypodermic fatty layer. At the same time on the surface of skin at first there are roughnesses (cambers and cavities), and then small consolidations, the so-called effect of an orange-peel is shown. Changes in a condition of hypodermic cellulose are a consequence of a hormonal imbalance in an organism....
Section: Articles about healthZone hypostases under eyes - very widespread problem giving to people is a lot of inconvenience. Hypodermic fabric in these parts having...
Section: Articles about healthPartial and the more so full loss of hearing significantly reduces quality of life. Difficulties with communication lead to loneliness and isolation. The person who badly hears experiences difficulties with social and professional implementation, quite often has problems in...
Section: Articles about healthSuch trouble as the milkwoman's attack, at least once in life happened almost to each woman. Prevalence of a disease is explained by the fact that the causative agent of an illness belongs to the so-called opportunistic microflora living on mucous membranes of any human body and which is becoming more active only under favorable conditions. If you had curdled allocations from a vagina, the itch and burning in external genitals, or painful feelings disturb at sex...
Section: Articles about healthThe climax, or menopause is the normal process of the termination of genital function of the woman which is followed serious hormonal...
Section: Articles about healthContrary to popular belief, the multiple sclerosis (MS) is not connected neither with sclerous changes of walls of vessels, nor with age forgetfulness and problems with concentration of attention. This disease has the autoimmune nature. Pathological process of a vyrazh...
Section: Articles about healthThey say that to ensure health and longevity of people it is obliged. Really, at competent approach to these questions, minimization of an adverse effect of many factors does not represent a special problem. Practically everyone has an opportunity to play sports, to pick up an optimum operating mode and rest, to adjust healthy food, to refuse addictions. It is more difficult to exclude hit in an organism of harmful substances through a respiratory organs: not all are able to afford to live in the area with хо...
Section: Articles about healthLet's begin with the fact that a separate illness which is called "adjournment of salts", just does not exist. In practice this household name of plank beds...
Section: Articles about healthIt seems, quite recently you brought the baby from maternity hospital, but time flew by, and here it is already going to join the first in life children's collective. How to prepare the child for visit of a garden? What needs to teach him to facilitate process адап...
Section: Articles about healthNightmares belong to the most unpleasant frustration. Statistically, they happen at 4% of adults, and almost at 70% of children and teenagers. During a nightmare of people dreams himself in extremely difficult, life-threatening situation. He wakens suddenly, in a condition of a fright, and, as a rule, remembers the dream distinctly. The feeling of depression and alarm does not release throughout the day, creating hindrances for work and normal communication. If such episodes repeat often, can р...
Section: Articles about healthHelminthosis is one of the most widespread diseases. Statistically, with any species of helminths it is infected porridges...
Section: Articles about healthReactive pancreatitis - the disease which is characterized by inflammatory process in a pancreas which arises most often because of excess activity of digestive enzymes. It − the emergency state which treatment has to take place in хирургич...
Section: Articles about healthMore than a half of the married couples which faced prostatitis – leave. The new broadcast "Female View of Prostatitis" will help to learn – whether you have or your relatives problems....
Section: Articles about healthWomen quite often suffer from complexes concerning the sizes of the bust. Strangely enough, reason душевног...
Section: Articles about healthColor of plants is caused by presence at them of certain chemical compounds. Let's talk about what is meant by various colors of vegetables and fruit and what properties they give them....
Section: Articles about healthHistory of use of an anesthesia during operations contains more than 160 years. Annually in the world hundreds of thousands of surgical interventions during which to patients the substances immersing them in a dream and saving from pain are entered are carried out. Using an anesthesia many myths and delusions are still connected. It is worth getting acquainted with the most widespread of them....
Section: Articles about healthIodine - one of thirty most important microelements in our organism. The main role of iodine consists in synthesis thyroid гормо...
Section: Articles about healthPeople know that thermal sources have salutary force long ago. Treatment by natural waters is one of the most ancient methods of disposal of the most different diseases. Bathtubs, souls, wrappings and inhalations, in combination with reception of water vnut...
Section: Articles about healthAbility of an organism to resist to adverse environmental factors (to impact of temperature drops, humidity and pressure, to the attacks of causative organisms, etc.) directly depends on what the person eats. Business here not only in that cells of a body received a necessary set of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Scientists established that such components which are capable to influence negatively immune system, in connection with also are a part of foodstuff...
Section: Articles about healthOsteoporosis this general disease which main sign is decrease in density of a bone tissue. On width распростран...
Section: Articles about healthDogrose – one of the most widespread adornment and medicinal plants growing practically in all territory of our country. To most of Russians it is a beautiful bush it is known, first of all, as a source of fruits, extremely vitamin-rich....
Section: Articles about healthStroke (acute disorder of cerebral circulation) – one of the most widespread neurologic diseases. Annually in the world more than 6 million people die of this illness. From the survived patients about 80% become disabled people, and nearly a third from them needs afterwards permanent care. In fact, the stroke creates a situation at which a part of cells of a brain loses blood access, loses an opportunity to receive oxygen and nutrients, and perishes. As a result of a razviv...
Section: Articles about health