Main > Medical terms> Gelmintotsenotichesky index

Gelmintotsenotichesky index

Gelmintotsenotichesky index (Greek helmins, helminthos – a worm, a worm + Greek koinos – the general) – created in 1928 by K. I. Scriabin and P. S. Schultz form of record of results of carrying out mass inspection of the population for expression of level of its prevalence various helminths.

Allocate a gelmintotsenotichesky index:

  • Specific – the displaying species composition of the helminths found in the group of the population which underwent inspection;
  • Class – the displaying structure of classes of the helminths found in the group of the population which underwent inspection.
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Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.