Hemangioblast (haemangioblastus; Greek haima – blood + Greek angeion – a vessel + blastos – a germ, a sprout) – a rudiment of blood vessels and blood cells; it is formed of a part of cells of a mesenchyma of a germ.
Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.
Many of us, probably, noticed more than once that from intellectual loadings at some point the brain as though "overheats" also "assimilation"...
Section: Articles about healthWe live during an advertizing era. Daily each person receives a solid portion of persuasive councils about what to eat to be healthy and successful. Products about which we will talk today are combined by the following circumstance: all of them are positioned as most...
Section: Articles about healthClimax - process of fading of reproductive function of an organism in process of its aging. At women the main sign of its approach is the termination of a menstrual cycle. Officially the menopause is diagnosed when periods are not observed within 12 months. Age changes quite often are followed by emotional failures, disturbance of thermal control and sweating, dizzinesses and headaches, tachycardia and other unpleasant phenomena. This complex of symptoms...
Section: Articles about healthFeeding by a breast - the integral part of ideal motherhood allowing to come into contact with the kid and to create since early years...
Section: Articles about healthIt is known that the person for 80% consists of water which participates in all processes of an organism. The person loses liquid daily – as a result of sweating, breath, an urination, and its insufficient completion due to various reasons can bring to обезвожив...
Section: Articles about healthAging — natural and inevitable process. Over time our skin loses elasticity, on it saggings are formed, the face form loses former clearness. The procedure of nitevy lifting (nitevy tightening) can successfully solve this problem. In order that it is better to get acquainted with this popular procedure, we will tell you 6 cognitive facts about it....
Section: Articles about healthLet's begin with the fact that a separate illness which is called "adjournment of salts", just does not exist. In practice this household name of plank beds...
Section: Articles about healthNeurosis is called pathology of a nervous system at which deviations in functioning of the highest nervous processes are observed. Most often - owing to yet not strengthened mentality - children are subject to neurosises. Premises to emergence of such disturbances can become нез...
Section: Articles about healthNightmares belong to the most unpleasant frustration. Statistically, they happen at 4% of adults, and almost at 70% of children and teenagers. During a nightmare of people dreams himself in extremely difficult, life-threatening situation. He wakens suddenly, in a condition of a fright, and, as a rule, remembers the dream distinctly. The feeling of depression and alarm does not release throughout the day, creating hindrances for work and normal communication. If such episodes repeat often, can р...
Section: Articles about healthMusicotherapy – a treatment method which caused and causes a set of a controversy concerning its efficiency. However the facts are relentless:...
Section: Articles about healthThe trophic ulcer is not an independent disease. This heavy complication arising owing to a thermal injury (a burn or a frostbite), chronic pathologies of arteries or veins of the lower extremities, a diabetes mellitus, and also some defeats of a soyeda...
Section: Articles about healthToday about 30 diseases, sexually transmitted are known. Wide circulation of these illnesses is extremely promoted by the dual attitude towards them: on the one hand, most of people know about "shameful" diseases very little and do not aim at receiving detailed and reliable information, considering that such problems personally will never concern them. With another – there are delusions about STD which instill unreasonable confidence that troubles such...
Section: Articles about healthPartial and the more so full loss of hearing significantly reduces quality of life. Difficulties with communication lead to loneliness and замкн...
Section: Articles about healthAt this plant there are a lot of names: tuberiferous sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, solar root, earth pear. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an exotic plant at all. The wild girasol grows in a midland of Russia practically everywhere: at the edges of roads...
Section: Articles about healthTick-borne encephalitis – one of the most dangerous viral diseases which causative agents transfer and is given to people by ixodic mites. These are the small blood-sicking insects living in the considerable territory of our country. The person bitten by a tick can catch also erlikhiozy, bartonnelezy, babeziozy, mycoplasmosis and Lyme's disease. As well as encephalitis, these illnesses affect the central nervous system, and as specific antiviral therapy does not exist, the forecast very to a neuta...
Section: Articles about healthUse of medicinal plants in therapy is urgent today, more than ever. The drugs made of curative herbs cannot on...
Section: Articles about healthSeparate food - the system of meal based on digestion physiology which is carried to improvement methods. According to nutritionists, the separate use of the carbohydrate and proteinaceous products demanding different conditions of assimilation helps to get rid from Bol...
Section: Articles about healthThe fatigue, sleep debt, disturbances of food, bad mood, vagaries of the weather – all these circumstances badly affect our appearance. Especially the person suffers: skin becomes flabby, loses healthy color, becomes covered by wrinkles, zones of hypostases and dark circles under eyes appear. It is not always possible to be saved from influence of aggressive factors, but we are quite able to minimize its effects. For this purpose usually apply the cosmetics and procedures helping увлаж...
Section: Articles about healthModern footwear is extremely various. It stopped being only protection for legs long ago. Today shoes, boots, barefoot persons in...
Section: Articles about healthThe metabolism at each person proceeds in own way. However between the speed of this process and disposal of excess weight after all all have a dependence. Unfortunately, the people inclined to try on itself numerous "miracle" diets, not always at...
Section: Articles about healthCystitis, or inflammation of a mucous membrane of a bladder, this very widespread disease which, owing to some features of a structure of bodies of urinogenital system, women have approximately four times more often than men. Women aged from 20 up to 45 years enter into the main risk group. Cystitis is an illness of a bacterial origin. It can have an acute or chronic current. The second option is dangerous not only a frequent recurrence, серьезн...
Section: Articles about healthStatistically cystitis 25-30% of women up to 40 years have. With age this indicator raises, besides many do not get in to become...
Section: Articles about healthWeakness of an ankle joint – very widespread problem. Its existence is demonstrated by tendency to a podvorachivaniye of legs when walking on heels, frequent painful sprains, pain on average and anonymous toes even after small nagruzo...
Section: Articles about healthAbout 10-15 years ago existence of the computer in the apartment of the Russian was considered as a rarity and office rooms were only at the first stage of equipment by these useful devices. Today practically in each house there is a computer (and often not one), and a regular user is already every our second compatriot. Convenience and efficiency of personal computers are undoubted, but the people working with them daily have to know also about health hazard which they can predstavlit...
Section: Articles about healthAny person who faced a disease knows that treatment costs expensive. It belongs also to consultations qualified the specialist...
Section: Articles about healthSooner or later hair turn gray at all. Many people try to hide these changes, returning natural color of the hair by means of coloring, or considerably changing it for the purpose of creation of absolutely new image. All know that the gray hair is a sign приближающ...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person in many respects depends on food. The organism will well function if during food it receive only useful substances, necessary vitamins and microelements. In this case there will be no problems with digestion, with excess weight, and intellectual and physical activity will remain at the high level....
Section: Articles about health