Gemiprozopoplegiya (hemiprosopoplegia; Greek hemi-– a floor - unilateral, half + Greek prosupon – the person + plege – blow, defeat) – the unilateral paralysis of face muscles caused by defeat of a facial nerve or its kernel.
The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.
The words "disease" and "patient" not without reason come from one root – "pain". As a rule, symptoms of illnesses thoroughly spoil the patient...
Section: Articles about healthThe trophic ulcer is not an independent disease. This heavy complication arising owing to a thermal injury (a burn or a frostbite), chronic pathologies of arteries or veins of the lower extremities, a diabetes mellitus, and also some defeats of a soyeda...
Section: Articles about healthDuring foot walks blood moves on vessels more actively and one and all bodies are supplied with a large amount of oxygen. It affects the state of health of the person very positively....
Section: SlideshowThe concept "gluten" (differently, a gluten) combines group of the proteins which are a part of rye, barley and wheat. For most of people упот...
Section: Articles about healthDark circles (bruises) under eyes – a shortcoming with most of which often fight against the help of cosmetics (proofreaders, saloon procedures and so forth), eliminating only its visibility. However, according to doctors, skin around eyes – the indicator of many disturbances in an organism...
Section: Articles about healthThe immunity role in growth of the child is invaluable. The proteins-immunoglobulins produced by immune system preserve the child against the diseases capable − owing to an organism weak still − to serve as a stressful factor, to become the reason of many complications and delays in development of the kid. If the immune system weakened, health of the child is under direct threat and needs active actions for strengthening of protective forces of an organism − preferably non-drug....
Section: Articles about healthThe stroke is one of the most widespread diseases of the person, annually in the world about 6 million cases эт are registered...
Section: Articles about healthWork of a brain is extremely complex and in many respects is not studied yet. It is confirmed also by the features of thought processes which are shown when the person sleeps. Let's tell about some of them....
Section: Articles about healthFor anybody not a secret that the modern person eats not as his ancestors. For the last 100 years in broad access there were absolutely new products which are result of use of the latest technologies in food production. Significantly ways of storage and transportation of food ingredients changed, and people of the whole world had an opportunity to regularly use those products about which their grandfathers and grandmothers did not even know....
Section: Articles about healthFrosty air, fresh wind and easy snowball at most of Russians are associated with cheerfulness, health and cheerful entertainments, on to...
Section: Articles about healthFor the time being the perspective of heart diseases seems to most of people remote and foggy. But sooner or later practically each adult faces extremely unpleasant feelings: sudden stethalgia. To be consoled at this time in a thought of t...
Section: Articles about healthAntibiotics - - it is possible to call the chemical compounds suppressing growth of bacteria the break in the field of medicine which allowed to save mankind from many diseases incurable earlier: tuberculosis, plague, syphilis and many others. The contribution of drugs to rescue of people from epidemics of dangerous infections is huge, however at careless use antibiotics are capable to cause to an organism serious damage. Negative action can be shown in the form of easing of immunity, disturbance of balance of microflora in кишеч...
Section: Articles about healthThere is an opinion that at low temperatures safety of products is ensured longer and better thanks to what the refrigerator considers...
Section: Articles about healthPopular joke that there are no healthy people, and is nedoobsledovanny, most of us considers an honest truth, continually it is necessary to hear that all of us are sick hardly from a school bench. It is hard to say, whether so it actually because...
Section: Articles about health"Epilepsy" doctors made the diagnosis in antique times. Displays of an illness and pattern of its development are very well studied. However for nonspecialists this disease remains to not less mysterious, than in the ancient time. Many delusions are connected with epilepsy, and it sometimes very unpleasantly affects quality of life of patients and their relatives. In this article we will try to dispel the most known of similar myths....
Section: Articles about healthA lot of things depend on a condition of a backbone in a human body, a backbone - not only a support for a body, it also contain...
Section: Articles about healthThe chia plant, or the Spanish sage, is from South America. The indigenous people of the continent since ancient times used its seeds in food: small, but very nutritious kernels, in a form the reminding fasolina. Indians knew about useful properties of seeds of a chia, and applied...
Section: Articles about healthDiapers for adults – individual one-time means of hygiene which in some situations is irreplaceable and from such situations any person is not insured. Though nobody perceives need of their use with enthusiasm, however without such means already problematic situation could be heavier....
Section: Articles about healthHelminthosis is one of the most widespread diseases. Statistically, with any species of helminths it is infected porridges...
Section: Articles about healthCellulitis - very widespread cosmetic shortcoming which arises approximately at 80% of women sooner or later. Emergence it is connected with change of structure of a hypodermic fatty layer. At the same time on the surface of skin at first there are roughnesses (cambers...
Section: Articles about healthFrom sexual contacts each person can test insufficiently strongly expressed sexual desire or lack of satisfaction from time to time. However when it happens regularly, it is an occasion to think about health. Most of people does not hurry to ask similar questions physicians: one consider that they will be able to cope with malfunctions independently, others hesitate to report to strangers about so delicate problems and hope that troubles will stop by itself....
Section: Articles about healthDeciding to get rid of an addiction, not all imagine what effects it is necessary to face. Process of refusal from ку...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person in many respects depends on food. The organism will well function if during food it receive only useful substances, necessary vitamins and microelements. In this case there will be no problems with digestion, with лишн...
Section: Articles about healthPhobia – the persuasive fear of a certain contents shown in a specific situation against the will of the person. Concepts of a phobia and fear are similar, however if the fear is natural protective function of mentality, then the phobia is its deviation. So the person can feel the unaccountable, baseless fear accompanied with neurotic symptoms (perspiration, a shiver, a fever) before any ordinary phenomenon – for example, a trip by the subway or a simple dog....
Section: Articles about healthCystitis, or inflammation of a mucous membrane of a bladder, this very widespread disease, which, owing to some persons...
Section: Articles about healthThe pine is one of the most widespread plants of our woods. Its needles and pitch not without reason called by "gallipot" were since ancient times used for strengthening of protective forces of an organism, treatment of avitaminosis, anemia and many other diseases. In recent years wide п...
Section: Articles about healthVitamin complexes belong to the most popular drugs, probably, in our country there is no person who was not hearing about advantage of vitamins and never their accepting. The more vitamins, the better, we consider and as it appeared, cruelly we are mistaken. Whether vitamins, whether so harmlessly general hobby for polyvitaminic complexes and whether it is possible to do without them are so useful? Let's try to understand....
Section: Articles about health