Main > Medical terms> Hemispasm


Hemispasm (hemispasmus; Greek hemi-– a floor - unilateral, half + Greek spasmos – a spasm) – the hyperkinesia representing a pristupoobrazny tonic muscle tension of one half of a body or its part.

Types of a hemispasm:

  • Guboyazychny (labiolingualis) – expressed convulsive procrastination of a corner of a mouth at a simultaneous deviation of language in the same party; it can be noted at basal arachnoidites, hysteria;
  • Front (facialis) – irregularly arising and expressed convulsive reduction of the muscles innervated by a facial nerve (for example, at an arachnoiditis in a zone of a mostomozzhechkovy corner).
Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.