Main > Medical terms> Eyelids


Eyelids [palpebrae – PNA (The anatomic nomenclature Parisian), BNA (The anatomic nomenclature Basel), JNA (The anatomic nomenclature Yenskaya)] – the subsidiary bodies of an eye representing the semicircular gates which are carrying out closing of a front part of an eyeglobe at a smykaniye; consist from conjunctival and cartilaginous and musculocutaneous слев; are intended for uniform moistening of a conjunctiva and a cornea, and protection against external damages of an open surface of an eye; distinguish lower (river of inferiores) and upper (river of superiores) eyelids.

Whether you know that:

Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.