
Fibers [villi – PNA (The anatomic nomenclature Parisian), BNA (The anatomic nomenclature Basel), JNA (The anatomic nomenclature Yenskaya), LNH (The Leningrad histologic nomenclature)] – protrusions or outgrowths of various covers which increase their active surface provide direct interaction of a cover with the environment and adjacent fabrics.

Types of fibers:

  • Arachnoidal (synonym: granulations arachnoidal) – the zones of an arachnoid membrane of a brain located near venous sine and burgeoning in a firm cover; are implemented into a cavity of sine and parasinoidal lacunas, contain nerves and vessels, participate in circulation of cerebrospinal liquid;
  • Bacteria sexual – the threadlike fibers on a cover of bacteria having ability to adsorb some RNA - and DNA - containing a phage; form at the bacteria bearing plasmids;
  • Fibers peritoneal (peritoneales) – the microscopic short fibers up to 3 microns long placed on a surface of mesothelial cells of a peritoneum;
  • Secondary chorion (secundarii) – chorion fibers in the germinal site of a placenta in which the branching blood vessels are placed; provide absorption of nutrients from an endometria;
  • Intestinal (intestinales) – the fibers of a small bowel created by all layers of her mucous membrane; provide nutritive absorption and pristenochny digestion;
  • Lyamblevskiye (synonym: Lyamblevsky fibers) – the educations, a fleecy look appearing at the edges of shutters of the aortal or mitral valve of heart in the endocarditis outcome in an abacterial form;
  • Pleural (pleurales) – the fatty ledges covered with a pleura placed in a costal and mediastinal sine;
  • Synovial (synoyiales; articulares) – fibers, in an inside layer of a synovial membrane of large joints, the containing nerves and vessels and participating in release of synovial fluid;
  • Anchor chorion (ancorales) – secondary fibers at which connecting fabric of the distal ends is spliced with connecting fabric of an endometria.
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