Main > Drugs> Tetravitum


Tetravitum – the combined drug for completion of shortage of vitamins B an organism of animals.

Structure and form of release

Tetravitum is released in the form of transparent, oily solution for injections of light yellow color. 1 ml of solution contain the following vitamins: F (5 mg), E (20 mg), D3 (25 000 ME), And (50 000 ME).Форма выпуска препарата Тетравит

In hermetically closed bottles on 20, 50 or 100 ml.

Pharmacological action of Tetravitum

According to the instruction Tetravitum fills a vitamin deficiency in an organism of animals.

The vitamin A which is contained in drug regulates functions, regeneration and a structure of epithelial fabrics, reducing an organism susceptibility to infections. Use of vitamin A in the raised dosages strengthens a metabolism and interferes with decrease in body weight.

Tocopherol acetate influences on carbohydrate and the lipometabolism, regulates redoxreactions, strengthens effect of other vitamins which are a part of drug.

D3 vitamin normalizes exchange of phosphorus and calcium, influences their absorption in a GIT, and also has antirechitic effect.

Use of Tetravitum according to reviews quickly fills a vitamin deficiency in blood, accumulates them in fabrics.

In the recommended dosages Tetravitum well is transferred by animals, does not render the embriotoksichesky, local irritative, sensibilizing, teratogenic and mutagen action.

Indications to use of Tetravitum

According to the instruction Tetravitum is intended for treatment and prevention of hypovitaminoses, at increase in need for vitamins owing to additional exercise stresses:

  • in the second half of pregnancy;
  • in stressful situations;
  • when transporting animals;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • at an insufficient additional weight and a growth inhibition;
  • at disturbances of reproductive function;
  • when replacing a diet;
  • after injuries and operative measures;
  • at veterinary actions: deworming and preventive inoculations;
  • at invasive and infectious diseases (as additional therapy).

Dosage of Tetravitum and route of administration

According to the instruction Tetravitum is entered orally, subcutaneously or intramusculary. Tetravitum dosages the following (on one animal a day):

  • pigs-sosuny, lambs – on 1 ml;
  • repair young growth – on 2 ml;
  • pigs newborn – on 0,5 ml;
  • adult pigs and horses – on 3-5 ml;
  • rabbits – on 0,2 ml;
  • cows, oxen, bulls – on 5-6 ml;
  • young calfs and foals – on 2-3 ml;
  • goats, sheep – on 1-2 ml;
  • dogs – on 0,2-1 ml.

To dead standing cows Tetravitum is entered in 1-1,5 months prior to an otel, to pregnant sows – in 3-4 weeks prior to a farrow.Тетравит во флаконе

For prevention the drug is administered once by each two weeks, with the medical purpose – once a week.

At oral administration drug animals are given together with a forage for three weeks.

Side effects of Tetravitum

According to reviews Tetravitum in the recommended dosages does not cause by-effects.


According to the instruction Tetravitum has the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • hypervitaminosis.

Special instructions

During use of drug it is necessary to include phosphorus, calcium, a protein, microelements and magnesium in a diet.

At oral administration in combination with oil purgatives and acetylsalicylic acid absorption of vitamins worsens.

At use of Tetravitum products from animals can be eaten.

Storage conditions

Tetravitum is stored in the dark cool place not longer by 24 months.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.