Main > Diseases> Thyrotoxicosis


Thyrotoxicosis – the morbid condition caused by the increased level of the hormones (triiodothyronine, thyroxine) of a thyroid gland provoking organism intoxication. For designation of this state the term a hyperthyroidism is also used.Тиреотоксикоз - повышение уровня гормонов щитовидной железы

Thyrotoxicosis: general information about a disease

At hyperfunction of a thyroid gland thyroid hormones come to blood and body tissues much that leads to dissociation of fabric and oxidizing phosphorylation. The thyrotoxicosis inevitably leads to disturbance of energy balances in an organism. In an organism excess formation of heat results, the amount of the energy accumulated by ATP decreases. Completion of energy happens due to acceleration of all metabolic processes in an organism.

Excess of thyroid hormones in an organism leads to disturbance of many processes, exerting impact on a condition of a nervous system, function of heart, visual function, functions of a musculoskeletal system, a GIT, a reproductive system. It is necessary that dysfunctions of a thyroid gland do not lead to serious consequences at adequate medicamentous correction of a state. In the absence of appropriate treatment of a thyrotoxicosis the following complications can develop:

  • Infiltrative ophthalmopathy;
  • Heart failure;
  • Various forms of arrhythmias;
  • Thyrocardiac crisis – serious condition at which the avalanche are observed increase of manifestations, the concentration of thyroid hormones caused by sharp increases in blood.

Depending on the level of emergence and development of disturbance allocate a thyrotoxicosis of the following types:

  • Primary – disturbance develops in a thyroid gland;
  • Secondary – disturbance develops in a hypophysis;
  • Tertiary – disturbance arises in a hypothalamus.

Major factors of risk of development of a thyrotoxicosis in an organism:

  • The burdened family anamnesis;
  • Sex;
  • Chronic deficit of consumption of iodine with food;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Chronic forms of a stress.

The course of a thyrotoxicosis is characterized by sexual and age factors. At men at a thyrotoxicosis development of an infiltrative ophthalmopathy is more often observed, at advanced age the thyrotoxicosis is followed by disturbance of a cordial rhythm, characteristic changes of mentality more often. At children's age the hyperthyroidism is characterized by neurotic manifestations.

Thyrotoxicosis: reasons of development of a disease

At a thyrotoxicosis can be the reasons of development of dysfunction of a thyroid gland:

  • Toxic diffusion craw, also Bazedov's disease – the autoimmune disease which is the most frequent reason of a thyrotoxicosis;
  • Toxic nodal craw or toxic adenoma of a thyroid gland (Plummer's disease) – the high-quality new growth which is independently producing thyroid hormones;
  • Subacute thyroiditis – a diffusion or focal inflammation of a thyroid gland;
  • Uncontrolled administration of drugs, containing thyroid hormones;
  • Excess contents or consumption by an iodine organism;
  • Teratomas of ovaries – special type of the tumoral new growths created by gonocytes;
  • Hypophysis tumors with hypersecretion of thyritropic hormone.

At a thyrotoxicosis of the reason of development of disturbance are extremely important as treatment of a state has to be directed not only to normalization of level of hormones in an organism, but also on elimination of the reason of a producing a thyroid gland of hormones there is a lot of. For establishment of the reasons of development of a hyperthyroidism the patient needs comprehensive examination. At a thyrotoxicosis of a cause of infringement of function of a thyroid gland cause tactics of treatment and prevention of the subsequent recurrence.

Thyrotoxicosis: disease symptoms

Depending on expressiveness of a symptomatic complex the thyrotoxicosis is characterized by easy, average and heavy forms. At a thyrotoxicosis can be the symptoms indicating dysfunction of a thyroid gland:

  • The sharp loss in weight at not changed diet and a diet which is followed by good appetite;
  • Fever, heat, feeling of difference of temperatures in a body;
  • Decrease in a sexual inclination;
  • Disturbance of menstrual cycles at women up to complete cessation of periodic bleedings;
  • The disturbance of a cordial rhythm which is shown a cardiopalmus at rest;
  • Tremor, shiver in extremities;
  • The increased sweating;
  • Concern, restlessness, sleep disorder (from sleeplessness to the increased drowsiness);
  • The disorders of a GIT which are shown vomiting, frequent diarrheas and locks;
  • Bystry fatigue, depression, stress, psychological fatigue;
  • Disturbance of memory, concentration of attention;
  • Disturbance of visual function, development pucheglaziya.

At a thyrotoxicosis at the patient the usual rhythm of life is broken. There are symptoms of the increased fatigue even after the long period of rest, emotional instability, develops tearfulness, concerns. The person is overcome by new phobias, owing to disturbance of metabolism anorexia is quite often observed. At a thyrotoxicosis symptoms can be also shown in the form of muscular weakness (a thyrocardiac myopathy). The general exhaustion of an organism develops. At inappropriate treatment or lack of treatment at all the thyrotoxicosis can lead to a lethal outcome.Мерказолил - антитиреоидный препарат для лечения тиреотоксикоза

Thyrotoxicosis: treatment, recommendations of doctors

At a thyrotoxicosis treatment assumes an integrated approach, considering the disturbance development reasons, a symptomatic complex, the general condition of the patient. Treatment has to be done at the same time at several levels: along with correction of a hormonal background, elimination of the reasons of development of hormonal intoxication, the patient has to receive fortifying therapy.

At a thyrotoxicosis treatment assumes:

  • Conservative techniques of treatment of a thyrotoxicosis – conservative techniques are the cornerstone the thyreostatic drugs used for suppression of hyperfunction of a thyroid gland. Medicamentous therapy demands special accuracy in drug intake in order to avoid a recurrence. Medicamentous therapy allows to normalize functions of a hypothalamus, TsNS or to compensate them;
  • Radical techniques assume surgical intervention. At a thyrotoxicosis treatment by radical methods is applied at inefficiency of medicamentous correction, suspicions on malignant new growths, at a retrosternal arrangement of a craw, at significant increase in a thyroid gland;
  • The radioactive method assumes administration of drugs, containing a radioiodine. At a thyrotoxicosis treatment by a radioiodine is effective and safe. Iodine collects in cells of a thyroid gland that leads to their death and substitution by connecting fabric. The technique allows to reduce manifestation of a symptomatic complex quickly. The main risk at treatment by a radioiodine is full suppression of function of a thyroid gland that demands lifelong replacement hormonal therapy.
Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.