Main > Diseases> Edge crack

Edge crack

Трещина ребра является частичным нарушением целостности или неполным переломом ребра без смещения костных отломковThe crack of an edge is partial disturbance of integrity or an incomplete fracture of an edge without the shift of bone fragments which arises owing to injuries or pathological processes in a human body.

Edges perform two vital functions in a human body:

  • protect the internals which are located in chest department;
  • help breath, keeping opened space in a thorax what gives the chance to lungs to be filled with air.

The muscles used for breath are tense on edges so breath can be very painful at changes and cracks of edges.

Edge crack reasons

There are two major factors because of which there are cracks of edges, namely:

  • Immediate traumatic effect on area of a thorax which leads to a traumatic incomplete fracture of an edge. Often the crack of an edge arises after direct stroke to a thorax owing to the road accidents, wounds or falling from height;
  • Incomplete fracture of edges as a result of pathological process in a human body in the presence of which the injury or a fracture of a thorax are absent. As pathological processes tumoral educations in a thorax act, chronic osteomyelitis of edges, tuberculosis of edges, osteoporosis, diseases of blood and other owing to which edges lose the durability and become "glass" why can break even at microtraumas.

Important value, in addition to force of the injuring blow, has age of the victim and development of its muscle bulk. So, at children the edge crack at injuries arises much less often, than at adults.

Crack symptoms in an edge

The main symptoms of a crack in an edge are:

  • long pain in the affected edge which amplifies at a breath and cough and weakens at an exhalation so it becomes sometimes deep to breathe impossible;
  • feeling of shortage of air;
  • asthma;
  • feeling of alarm and fear;
  • headache;
  • dizziness, fatigue and drowsiness;
  • hypostasis, cyanosis of soft tissues, hematomas, hypodermic hemorrhage and cutaneous swelling in the area with an edge crack.

Diagnosis of a crack of an edge

Diagnosing of a crack of an edge is carried out by means of medical examination throughout which the traumatologist has to ask questions of the injury which served as the edge crack reason and also:

  • to make a x-ray film of a thorax;
  • pressing a thorax, to define the place of a crack (as the x-ray film not always shows cracks of edges);
  • to watch breath and to listen to lungs to be convinced that air moves normally and nothing interferes with breath;
  • to listen to heart;
  • to check the head, a neck, a backbone and a stomach to be convinced that there are no other injuries.

Treatment of a crack in an edge

Диагностирование трещины ребра осуществляется посредством медицинского осмотра и рентгеновского снимкаIf the traumatologist considers that along with an edge crack, there are internal injuries, then, most likely, performing treatment of a crack in an edge permanently with reception of anesthetics will be necessary. In other cases treatment of a crack in an edge can quite be performed in house conditions and usually makes not less than six weeks.

To manage pain by which the crack of an edge is followed and to recover rather, it is necessary:

  • to put ice on the damaged site;
  • to stay at rest, whenever possible to take vacation from work;
  • to take the anesthetizing medicine, such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen, or doctor can appoint if necessary stronger anesthetics.

Very important, despite pain to cough or take deep breaths at least once in an hour. It can help to prevent pneumonia or partial disintegration of pulmonary fabric.

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