
Trichology – the narrowly targeted section of dermatology which is engaged in studying of a structure and growth of hair, their diseases and treatment. The trichology - scienceТрихология - наука о лечении волос very young also is at a development stage therefore for domestic medicine specialty the trichologist, and also clinics of a trichology are quite exotic.

The main function of hair is protection of other bodies against influence of various infections and penetration of foreign bodys. On a human body hair are available practically everywhere, except for some sites (a heel, a palm, a lip). Besides, hair keep heat, protecting our organism from damage.

The science a trichology pays attention to such factors as length and density of hair, absence or existence of healthy gloss, hair color. So, for example, a thick, brilliant, beautiful hair without signs of fragility and dandruff testifies to the excellent state of health of the person. And a brittle and dim hair, a hair loss and baldness speak about possible psychological and physical problems with health.

Trichology history

In the West as the certain scientific current the trichology was created in the middle of the 20th century. Today there is the International association of trichologists, the European society concerning a research of hair and various national associations of trichologists. The most significant contribution to formation of a trichology was made according to reviews by the Spanish, German, Italian and British dermatological schools. In the west of a practical trichology pay much attention. There within esthetic medicine train young specialists of trichologists and trikhoterapevt.

In Russia the trichology appeared in the early nineties the 20th centuries, and here the first specialists in this area – only a few years ago. According to the qualifier of professions of the Ministry of Health, in Russia such profession as the trichologist, does not exist today.

Trichology - origins of diseases of hair

Hair are not independent body, and represent a skin appendage. Therefore first of all health of hair depends on a condition of integuments. All processes proceeding in a human body are closely interconnected among themselves. Even the most insignificant failure in work of immune or hormonal system, constant stresses and nervous breakdowns, psychological problems, disturbances of work of digestive tract and other bodies and systems will not be slow to be reflected in a condition of skin, and, therefore, and in a condition of hair of the person.

The main problem from which people come to clinics of a trichology is an alopecia (baldness). Statistically, about 75% of all population of the globe have problems with hair. Dandruff, easing and exhaustion of hair, seborrhea, the fragile and splitting hair also belong to diseases of hair.

The trichology pays special attention in treatment of diseases of hair to a hereditary factor. It is already proved that heredity directly influences development of a certain pathology. On the basis of it the trichologist also selects the corresponding treatment of the patient.

Trichology - diagnosis and treatment of diseases of hair

In clinics Трихология изучает строение волосof a trichology the most modern techniques of treatment of hair are used today. For statement of the correct diagnosis at the disposal of specialists there are classical methods of laboratory researches (microelementary and biochemical analysis of structure of hair). Widely apply also microvideo diagnosis methods which allow doctors to define a disease and its reason most precisely.

Science the trichology according to reviews achieved the maximum results in treatment of diseases of hair thanks to use of modern pharmacological means and physiotherapeutic procedures. Along with the advanced techniques of treatment also the checked folk remedies are widely applied, century experience in fight against problems of hair allowed to bring together impressive arsenal of the operating means and methods.

In most cases diseases of hair are only symptoms of diseases of any body or system. On the basis of diagnostic testings the trichologist can advise the patient to undergo consultation at the specialist of a certain profile: the immunologist, the dermatologist, the gastroenterologist, etc. Besides, comprehensive examination of an organism with the purpose to reveal a basic disease which provoked an aggravation of symptoms of hair will not prevent to take place in similar cases to the patient.

According to reviews the trichology gives the real chance to resist to various pathologies and manifestations of fatigue of hair which lead to their loss or baldness.

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