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Trombovazim – the fermental drug relating to group of the fibrinolitik promoting destruction of threads of fibrin, a rassasyvaniye fresh, the blood clots which are not created yet. Drug is used for complex treatmentТромбовазим в упаковке of venous insufficiency. Also researches of efficiency of drug in treatment of a myocardial infarction, an acute coronary syndrome were conducted, but according to these indications drug is not registered and is not applied. Drug Trombovazim is produced in tablets and capsules with the different content of active agent (trombovazim). Drug renders antiinflammatory, thrombolytic, fibrinolitic, cardioprotective actions. Trombovazim is low-toxic medicine. Trombovazim does not influence coagulability of blood, bleeding duration, does not reduce the level of thrombocytes in blood.

The instruction to use

Trombovazim is applied to normalization of venous blood circulation, improvement of protection of walls of veins, an obstacle of formation of new blood clots at venous insufficiency. Drug has the triple mechanism of action:

  • Dissolution of already existing blood clots in veins of the lower extremities;
  • Microcirculation normalization, recovery and increase in speed of venous lymphatic current, reduction of hypostasis of the lower extremities, reduction of painful feelings;
  • Antiinflammatory action, strengthening and recovery of integrity of walls of veins, obstacle to formation of new blood clots at the expense of a fibrin polymerization stop (not globular, high-molecular globular protein which fibers are the main structural component of blood clots).

Drug Trombovazim also promotes bystry healing of trophic ulcers.

At Trombovazim's reception the instruction to drug regulates dosages and frequency of reception. As a rule, doctors register standard dosages of drug, proceeding from a clinical picture. So, the instruction defines the maximum daily dose of Trombovazim as 2000ED. Cases of overdose by Trombovazim were not registered.

The recommended scheme of treatment assumes two administrations of drug Trombovazim in days on 1-2 capsules/tablets for 20 days. Drug is recommended to be accepted in 30-40 minutes prior to meal.

In the absence of the expected effect of Trombovazim's use it is necessary to see a doctor. At the beginning of a course of treatment Trombovazimom the exacerbation of a varicosis, chronic venous insufficiency is possible.

Trombovazim treat the main side effects of drug:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Disturbance of functioning of a GIT (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, feeling of weight in a stomach).

Drug Trombovazim does not exert impact on ability of the person to control of vehicles, and also to performance of work, the requiring special attention and speed of physical and mental reaction as its components are not the substances regulating a psychomotor condition of the person.

Drug Trombovazim is safe owing to the low-toxicity. At Trombovazim's reception it is necessary to consider his interaction with drugs of other groups. Such drugs as heparin, acetylsalicylic acid, Dipiridamolum promote strengthening of antitrombotichesky effect of Trombovazim, at the same time the risk of developing of bleeding does not increase.

Antibiotics Тромбовазим в таблеткахof a tetracycline row (chlortetracyclin a hydrochloride, tetracycline, Oxytetracyclinum a hydrochloride) strengthen action of fibrinolitik. In need of simultaneous use of drugs of tetracycline group and Trombovazim it is recommended to observe an interval in reception from 30 to 40 minutes.

Contraindications to drug use

Contraindications to drug use Trombovazim can be relative and absolute.

Absolute contraindications to Trombovazim's use are:

  • hypersensitivity to drug components Trombovazim, allergic reactions to use of drugs in the anamnesis;
  • peptic ulcer of a duodenum and stomach in an aggravation phase;
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period;

Relative contraindications to Trombovazim's use are:

  • Age of the patient up to 18 years (researches of efficiency and safety of drug it was not carried out in this age group);
  • Trombovazim's reception with the drugs containing salts of bivalent metals (magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium) and also antibiotics of a tetracycline row. In case of need simultaneous use of drugs of these groups it is necessary to consult with the doctor. At treatment by Trombovazim the instruction recommends to accept drug separately from other medicines with an interval to 40 minutes;
  • Threat of bleeding in a gullet, peptic ulcers of a duodenum and stomach in a remission stage, a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Drug analogs

At the heart of treatment of chronic venous insufficiency drugs of groups of venotonik and fleboprotektor are used. Trombovazim differs from analogs in rendering complex action, destroying the existing blood clots, and also reducing risk of emergence of new thrombogeneses in vessels of the lower extremities. Trombovazim whose analogs have a number of essential contraindications to use is safe drug which at effective elimination of symptoms does not increase risks of developing of bleeding.

Also Trombovazim whose analogs show efficiency only in recovery of elasticity of walls of vessels has no serious side effects and is allowed for use for wide group of patients.

According to the statement of developers of drug, Trombovazim is unique means in which development achievements of nuclear physics and a method of an electron beam immobilization were applied that allowed to modify biologically active agents by means of the radiation activated polymer. Trombovazim is drug, unique on structure, analogs which do not exist. Active agent of Trombovazim is presented by the enzyme proteinase added with active polymer which protects enzyme from the attack and destruction by immune system of an organism.

Responses of patients, medical opinion

Trombovazim is the drug, safe for use, directed to radical change of a clinical picture. Trombovazim, comments on whom indicate reduction of painful manifestations, puffinesses of the lower extremities, feelings of fatigue and weight in legs, is positioned as an effective remedy for treatment of blood clots and an obstacle to the subsequent thrombogenesis. However, Trombovazim, comments on whom can be found in the Internet, according to doctors is not so effective remedy of elimination of blood clots. In traditional practice intravenous administration of drugs or introduction directly to blood clot is applied to elimination of blood clots. It is extremely difficult to present efficiency of a trombolitik in tablets.

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Trombovazy 800 pieces of n30 капс.

1285 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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