Main > Diseases> Tubo-otitis


Hearing is one of those functions which allows the person to obtain information on the world around. Also as well as sight, hearing – the most important mechanism of a research and knowledge of the world around. A human ear – body difficult, its physiology and a structure are directed to perception of sound waves in the range of 16 Hz-22 of kHz.Тубоотит - воспаление слизистой оболочки внутреннего уха

The mechanism of perception of a sound a human ear can be divided into two parts conditionally:

  • mechanics – acoustical pass, an auricle, acoustical stones, tympanic membranes;
  • the electrician – the acoustical center of a cerebral cortex, an acoustical nerve.

Through acoustical pass the sound gets on a tympanic membrane then repeatedly amplifies by means of acoustical stones, and in a snail of an internal sound from air fluctuation the sound turns into fluctuation of liquid and by means of special nervous cells will be transformed to an electric signal. That hearing functioned fully, harmonious work of all components of a human ear is necessary.

What is a tubo-otitis?

Tubo-otitis – a catarrh of a mucous membrane of an inner ear which develops as a result of dysfunction of an acoustical pipe.

Acoustical stones are in a pneumatic cavity (middle ear) in the thickness of a temporal bone, and for their full functioning pressure on average to fish soup has to be same, as well as in the environment. That it occurred, the pneumatic cavity has to be reported with the environment that occurs by means of vocational education - tuba auditiva (an acoustical pipe). The acoustical pipe opens in a nasopharynx and at adults its length makes 3,5 cm, and newborns have 2 cm. At emergence of dysfunction of an acoustical pipe there is a disease which is called a tubo-otitis (eustachitis).

Apply to definition of this disease also many other names: tubotimpanit, salpingootit, catarral average otitis (acute or chronic).

Tubo-otitis origins

It becomes preferential the tubo-otitis reason infectious process in the mouth of a pipe. The infection gets to a pipe from a nasal cavity. So, acute rhinitis can lead to hypostasis mucous a nose, including, and in mouths of acoustical pipes owing to what there is an impassability of an acoustical pipe. Impassability of a pipe, in turn, makes impossible alignment of pressure in a drum cavity that leads to disturbance of mobility of acoustical stones and it to a sign as an ear congestion.

Quite often at cold or a strong smorkaniye slime gets to the mouth of an acoustical pipe that is the reason of development of a tubo-otitis. Therefore at acute antritis and rhinitis it is important to blow nose correctly. At a smorkaniye it is necessary to open a mouth and to hold one half of a nose.

Sometimes, that permanent dysfunction of an acoustical pipe at vasculomotor rhinitis becomes the reason of a tubo-otitis. In that case it is possible to call a tubo-otitis a complication of vasculomotor rhinitis. Such tubo-otitis will hard respond to treatment, and formation of persistent hypostases in the field of the back end of the lower acoustical sinks with distribution on the mouth of an acoustical pipe is characteristic of it. Treatment of a tubo-otitis in this case needs to be combined with treatment of vasculomotor rhinitis.

At children the tubo-otitis quite often has bilateral character. At adult age the tubo-otitis is more often observed from the painful party.

Tubo-otitis symptoms

The main symptoms of a tubo-otitis are the hearing impairment, feeling of a congestion, periodic noise in an ear. The autophonia when the person hears an echo of own voice in a sore ear is sometimes observed. The same complaints are characteristic also of acute respiratory infections. The congestion in an ear can arise during differences of atmospheric pressure (for example, at flight in the airplane). At a tubo-otitis pain in an ear can be intensive or insignificant, and the general condition of the patient suffers a little.

When carrying out an otoskopiya at the patient such symptom of a tubo-otitis as a retraction of tympanic membrane is observed. Moderately acoustical activity decreases (by 20-30 dB). Also it is possible to carry complaints of patients to improvement of hearing after yawning to symptoms of a tubo-otitis or a proglatyvaniye of saliva. It results from temporary opening of a gleam of an acoustical pipe.

At children the tubo-otitis is followed by temperature increase to 38 and more degrees. There is a fever, feeling of a congestion of an ear, noise in an ear, deterioration in hearing. Pain at the same time can develop as at once, and through some time. At survey of an auricle at a tubo-otitis at children reddening and hypostasis of an auricle is noticeable. Quite often on the surface of outside acoustical pass bubbles appear.

Tubo-otitis complications

Often the tubo-otitis proceeds inertly and is followed by softly expressed symptoms therefore patients are not inclined to run at once to the doctor. Naturally, untimely identification and treatment of a tubo-otitis is capable to lead to various complications, namely: to persistent dysfunction of an acoustical pipe when in an ear cavity negative pressure is formed and exudate begins to accumulate. In turn, it becomes an origin of commissural process between acoustical stones, there is a persistent hearing disorder.

If the long time is present at a tympanic cavity negative pressure, there is an irritation of a snail therefore degenerative changes of an acoustical nerve appear, there is a neurosensory relative deafness. Besides, suppuration of exudate can occur at any time that pours out in acute purulent average otitis which, in turn, is also fraught with terrible complications.Санорин - препарат, применяемый при лечении тубоотита для уменьшения отека слизистой

Treatment of a tubo-otitis

First of all treatment of a tubo-otitis has to be directed to elimination of those factors which promote impassability of an acoustical pipe. For the purpose of reduction of hypostasis of a mucous membrane in an ear to the patient appoint vasoconstrictive drops in a nose: sanorin, Naphthyzinum, називин, тизин, etc. Also remove hypostasis antihistaminic medicines (gismanat, Suprastinum, кларитин, etc.).

For the purpose of the prevention of hit of infectious slime through an acoustical pipe from a nasopharynx in a drum cavity, the patient learn to blow nose correctly, can appoint also blowing off of acoustical pipes on Polittsera. Catheterization of an acoustical pipe which is done after an anemization of the pharyngeal mouth has quite good medical effect. Through a catheter enter couple of drops of solution of adrenaline of 0,1% or suspension of a hydrocortisone into an acoustical pipe.

At treatment of a tubo-otitis appoint also a number of physiotherapeutic actions: laser therapy on area of the mouth of an acoustical pipe, UVCh on a nose, Ural federal district, a pneumomassage of a tympanic membrane.

At adequate and timely treatment the acute tubo-otitis recovers for several days. Efficiency of treatment of a chronic tubo-otitis depends on timely elimination of pathologies of a nasopharynx, okolonosovy bosoms and a nasal cavity which cause continuous developing of a disease.

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