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Pricks for weight loss

Мезотерапия - уколы для похуденияNot so long ago in beauty shops and the centers of weight reduction there was a procedure of introduction of injections of various hormones or vitamins promoting weight loss. In theories, these pricks for weight loss have to quash feeling of hunger and force a body to use fat as fuel, however in practice such way of weight loss practically does not bring any results.

Types of pricks for weight loss

There are three main types of pricks for weight loss in the world market:

  • CGP (chorionic gonadotrophin of the person) is the hormone produced during pregnancy and used for treatment of infertility. Some doctors order HGCh for loss of weight in combination with ultra-low-calorie diets (the use less than 500 calories a day) believing that pricks for weight loss of this hormone are capable to burn fatty tissues and to prevent loss of muscle bulk;
  • B12 is the vitamin necessary for work of exchange processes and the general state of health. Supporters of pricks for weight loss claim that the injection of vitamin gives an additional charge of energy and improves a metabolism that leads to weight loss;
  • Lipotropiki – are the natural substances in an organism adjusting process of a metabolism.

Efficiency of these three types of pricks for weight loss, according to reviews, is confirmed not in all cases. Use of HGCh of pricks for weight loss, according to reviews, is absolutely not effective and except pain in the place for injections sometimes causes also more serious side effects.

B12 vitamin in general cannot cause harm to an organism, however its efficiency was not proved concerning loss of weight. As for lipotropic injections, at the moment there is no scientific research connected with their use as a stimulator for loss of weight.

In the USA any of these three types of pricks for weight loss was not approved by Management on food and medicines as a safe and effective remedy for loss of weight. Besides, many injections often are inventions of cosmetologists that means that they did not undergo a number of clinical trials.

The procedure at which give injections in a stomach for weight loss is also known. This procedure is a kind of acupuncture and in the professional environment is called a mesotherapy. Effects of such pricks in a stomach for weight loss is small reduction on average by 1-1,5 cm of this problem zone, but no more than that.Результат уколов в живот для похудения - уменьшение проблемной зоны на 1-1,5 см

As always, by consideration of any medical procedure, it is important to conduct a small research and to discuss effects of the procedure both with the specialist who is carrying out it, and with the attending physician. The attending physician can have deeper idea of whether it is possible to use this procedure taking into account data of medical history.

When it comes about loss of weight, you should not accept hasty decisions. Healthy food and an exercise stress are much more effective and healthy ways in fight against excess weight.

Botox injections

Along with above-mentioned types of pricks weight loss is known use of the botox injections entered directly into a stomach. The conducted researches showed that such injections give feeling of fullness of a stomach, however, in spite of the fact that Botox slows down the movement of food in intestines, it does not help people to lose extra kilos.

Botulinum toxin (Botox) is a neurotoxin, is produced by a bacterium of Clostridium and is one of the most toxic agents in the world. Specialists use it in very small doses to stop muscular spasms, to weaken pain and to smooth mimic wrinkles.

Whether you know that:

If to smile all twice a day – it is possible to lower blood pressure and to reduce risk of developing of heart attacks and strokes.