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Vacuum face peel

Vacuum face peel – one of the safest and simple cosmetology procedures. Vacuum cleaning Вакуумная чистка лица в салонеis used for face cleansing from pollution, for elimination of grease traffic jams, release of skin from the died-off particles, and also for opening of a time. In many reviews of vacuum face peel the fact that this procedure not only perfectly clears skin is confirmed and improves complexion, but also deletes superficial pollution. In comparison with other ways of cleaning vacuum cleaning is painless also a malotravmatichna.

The device for vacuum face peel

The device for vacuum cleaning is supplied with a special tip and a set of replaceable nozzles. The tip promotes forcing of air in the device under negative pressure. The pressure of air does not press on the processed area of skin, and attracts it inside. The device by prisasyvayushchy force literally extends pollution outside, carrying out at the same time a lymphatic drainage and stimulating blood circulation.

From pollution and fat it is necessary to apply a coronoid nozzle to the most effective clarification of a time and channels of sebaceous glands. For a lymphatic drainage it is necessary to use a special drainage tube of rounded shape. For reduction of wrinkles and achievement of effect of rejuvenation it is necessary to use the flat nozzle from glass allowing to eliminate age changes of skin.

Indications for vacuum face peel

Vacuum face peel should be used at the fat and combined skin. At vacuum cleaning sebaceous glands are not injured, as when using mechanical ways of cleaning.

In the presence of grease traffic jams and black points the procedure of vacuum cleaning needs to be used for steaming of skin and clarification from dirt which corks it and disturbs normal food and breath.

At disturbance of a relief of skin this type of cleaning provides lymphatic drainage effect, strengthening rush of blood to the processed area.

Contraindications for vacuum cleaning

This procedure is contraindicated at thin and dry face skin, at skin with tendency to a couperosis, and also at skin and with expanded vessels. It is impossible to carry out vacuum cleaning to the periods of an exacerbation of chronic diseases Вакуумная чистка лица в домашних условияхand inflammations of skin.

Vacuum cleaning in house conditions

Vacuum face peel can be carried out both in salons, and in house conditions. Before cleaning it is necessary to clear completely face skin of a make-up and to degrease it by means of tonic. It is also desirable to steam out previously skin for disclosure of a time by means of the warming gel or a tray. Further the integument should be processed the device for vacuum face peel. The nozzle of the device needs to be driven strictly roundabouts on massage lines. The tip of the device needs to be washed out periodically in any disinfecting solution. The procedure of cleaning has to last no more than fifteen minutes. After vacuum cleaning it is necessary to put a porostyagivayushchy mask, the protective or moisturizing cream.

Once a month or once in two months is recommended to carry out vacuum cleaning (depending on a condition of skin).

It is the best of all to combine vacuum face peel with other types of cleanings or with the subsequent manual cleaning.

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