B15 vitamin

B15 vitamin (pangamovy acid) – is for the first time emitted in 1951 by the Japanese scientists in beef liver, and in 1951 is synthesized in the American laboratory from kernels of stones of an apricot. We will easily dissolve B15 vitamin in water, collapses under the influence of light and high temperatures. As the lack of pangamovy acid does not lead to disbolism in an organism, actually B15 vitamin is physiologically active vitaminopodobny agent.

Арбуз и дыня - источники витамина B15

B15 vitamin is necessary for normalization of exchange of fats, decrease in level of cholesterol, protein synthesis stimulation (increases the content in muscular tissue of creatine phosphate, in a liver – a glycogen), oxygen use activation by fabrics in oxidation-reduction processes at the expense of what the term of life of cells increases, promotes vasodilatation and oppresses inflammatory processes.

Thanks to such properties of pangamovy acid, vitamin B 15 is strong antioxidant. Anti-toxic effect of B15 vitamin promotes improvement of work of a liver and adrenal glands, removal from an organism of toxins and decomposition products of medicines and alcohol. Reducing a drunkenness, reduces probability of a hangover and risk of alcohol addiction.

Existence in a daily diet of pangamovy acid in number of 1-2 mg will reduce fatigue of muscles and will increase working capacity, will reduce risk of obesity of a liver, will improve cardiac performance.

Where B15 vitamin contains

High content pangamovy (Greek: pan – everywhere, gamy – a seed) acids in seeds of plants that is confirmed by its name. In a certain quantity B15 vitamin in an organism is synthesized directly by digestive tract microflora.

Sources of a plant origin: B15 vitamin contains in kernels of fruits of stone plants, in nuts, a melon, water-melons, pumpkin, brown rice, rice bran, beer yeast.

Animal products – a liver and blood of animals contain a significant amount of pangamovy acid.

B15 vitamin: shortcoming and surplus

The lack of vitamin B 15 of a diet can become the reason:

  • Increased fatigue;
  • Decrease in working capacity;
  • The increased irritability;
  • Nervous breakdowns;
  • Disturbances in work of endocrine system;
  • Oxygen deficit in bodies and fabrics;
  • Complications of work of cardiovascular system;
  • Organism senilism in general.

At receipt in an organism to 2 mg of B15 vitamin a day it is enough for ensuring normal life activity of all systems and bodies. In case of the raised loadings – sports activities, hard physical activity, some diseases, it is necessary to increase considerably in a diet quantity of the products containing B15 vitamin which lack will harmful be reflected on health.

Modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide choice of the drugs containing B15 vitamin in the form of salts of pangamovy acid – a pangamat of calcium. For treatment of some diseases the daily need of an organism for vitamin B 15 can increase up to 50-100 mg and more, but only the attending physician has to appoint such therapy.

Surplus or overdose of pangamovy acid can be the cause of headaches, irritability, drowsiness, weakness, tachycardia, disturbance of cordial activity.

B15 vitamin, interaction with other substances

Salts of pangamovy acid as follows interact in an organism with other substances:

  • Are well dissolved in water;
  • Promote binding and removal of chlorine-containing connections;
  • At combined use with aspirin reduce its side effects, protecting a stomach and adrenal glands;
  • In case of overdose by streptocides and tetracyclines promote more bystry clarification and recovery of an organism;
  • Joint reception with A and E vitamins strengthens influence of B15 on a metabolism;
  • Combinations of B15 vitamins with B12 are necessary for the normal course of some biochemical reactions in organism cells.
Коричневый рис - источник витамина B15

Indications to B15 vitamin use

Use of pangamovy acid is recommended in a complex of therapy of the following diseases:

  • Atherosclerosis of various forms;
  • Pneumosclerosis;
  • Brain angiosclerosis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Pulmonary emphysema;
  • Chronic hepatitises;
  • Initial stage of cirrhosis;
  • Chronic drunkenness;
  • Pruritic dermatosis;
  • Rheumatic diseases;
  • Chronic coronary insufficiency.

B15 vitamin in complex reception with streptocides, corticosteroids and antituberculous remedies for their best portability is appointed.

Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.