Vitamin U

Vitamin U is carried to group of vitaminopodobny substances. It was for the first time found in vegetables. As vegetable juice promotes healing of ulcers, vitamin received the name U, from uclus – an ulcer. Vitamin U is formed of irreplaceable amino acid of methionine therefore many scientists consider antiulcerous vitamin vitaminopodobny substance. Vitamin U is optional to a human body, but it should be noted that it is not formed in a human body therefore has to get to it with food.

Содержание витамина U в продуктах

Vitamin U is perfectly dissolved in water, collapses under long influence of high temperatures, alkalis, but remains in the acid environment.

Vitamin U: contents in products

Vitamin U is very strongly spread in the nature. Gets into a human body, generally from vegetable food. The greatest number of vitamin U contains in cabbage. Also in rather large number is available in parsley, onions, turnip, a celery, carrots, crude potatoes, an asparagus, beet, in tomatoes, paprika, spinach, bananas.

Vitamin U is even in green tea!

From animal products vitamin U is available only in raw milk, crude egg yolks and a liver in very small quantity.

Norms of consumption of vitamin U

The daily need of an organism for vitamin U to define rather difficult as this vitaminopodobny substance constantly gets to an organism with vegetable products. But the average volume of the vitamin U coming to a human body is known: from 100 to 300 mg a day.

For people at whom disturbance of functions of a stomach is observed in particular acidity change, volume of vitamin U has to make from 200 to 400 mg a day.

Athletes in days of trainings should use from 150 to 250 mg a day, in days of competitions or heavy trainings from 300 to 450 mg.

Молоко и яичные желтки - источники витамина U

Influence of vitamin U on a human body

Vitamin U performs a set of important functions in an organism. One of the most important – neutralization of dangerous connections for an organism. Vitamin U helps with detection of alien substances and disposal of them. Is an active participant of synthesis of biologically active agents, for example, of B4 vitamin.

The main feature of vitamin U is its ability to heal various ulcers and erosion of a mucous membrane of digestive tract. Such effect is reached by neutralization of the main source of these damages – a histamine, substance which is emitted at an inflammation and causes increase in volume of the allocated gastric juice.

Vitamin U normalizes acidity level in a stomach if acidity is increased – reduces it if it is lowered – raises. This effect is reached by establishment of physiological level of acidity at which food normally is digested and walls of a stomach are not damaged.

Surplus and lack of vitamin U

Excess of vitamin U is not reflected in any way in an organism since it we will well dissolve in water, is quickly spent, and the rest is successfully removed by kidneys.

People who a long time did not eat vegetables can observe at themselves hypovitaminosis symptoms. The main symptom for vitamin U – increase in acidity of a gastric juice that involves damage of walls of intestines, a stomach, and, as a result, developing of ulcers and erosion.

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