Application instruction:
Thorough-wax – a perennial herbaceous plant of family Umbrella. Medicinal value a thorough-wax – golden, kozeletselistny, mnogozhilchaty has three appearance. Drugs on the basis of these types render the cholagogue, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, febrifugal, anesthetizing, wound healing, kapillyaroukreplyayushchy and antineoplastic action.
Curative properties of a plant are caused by its chemical composition.
It is authentically established that the thorough-wax (depending on a look) contains:
Leaves, stalks and flowers of a plant are of medicinal value. Their useful properties use both in national, and in official medicine.
The drug Buplerinum received from a thorough-wax mnogozhilchaty is used in pharmacotherapy as kapillyaroukreplyayushchy means at treatment of cardiovascular, infectious diseases. Also effect of drug on strengthening of blood vessels and reduction of permeability of capillaries is used when carrying out eye operations.
In traditional medicine broths and infusions apply as hepatoprotective, detoksikatsionny and cholagogue means at treatment of a liver and gall bladder. Under their influence there is an increase in the emitted bile, change of its chemical composition, clarification of an organism from cholesterol.
Drugs from a plant make impact on strengthening of secretory activity of a pancreas.
Curative action of a thorough-wax is used for treatment of inflammatory processes in urinogenital system, impotence.
Thanks to febrifugal and antiinflammatory properties the plant is applied at fever, treatment of tuberculosis, flu and catarrhal diseases.
Broths accept at a severe headache, dizziness, diseases of kidneys, a nervous system and also as stimulating and a purgative.
For therapy of purulent wounds and furuncles outwardly apply the steamed-out dry or fresh grass to lotions, broths – to washing, and powder from a plant – to powders.
Diseases/states at which drugs from a thorough-wax are used: cirrhosis; hepatitis (virus or toxic), cholecystitis, cholangitis, dyskinesia of bilious ways, flu, fever, pneumonia, tuberculosis, hypertension, cystitis, nephrite, headache, neurosis, impotence, epilepsy, radial illness, rheumatism, locks, purulent wounds, furunculosis.
In the preventive purposes it is useful to drink teas and broths, they have fortifying and tonic effect.
Before use it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
Broth of a thorough-wax kozeletselistny: 5-10 g of a grass to fill in 200 ml of boiled water, within 15 minutes to sustain on a steam bath. To remove from fire, to insist 45 minutes and to filter. At diseases of a gall bladder and liver to drink on 100 ml in 30 minutes prior to food 3-4 times a day. As outside means is applied to washing of the inflamed wounds.
Tincture: 25 g of the crushed grass to fill in 100 g of vodka, periodically shaking up to insist 30 days in the cool dark place, to filter. For treatment of diseases of a liver to accept till 25-30 drops 3 times a day.
Infusion: 3 teaspoons of a grass to fill in 200 ml of boiled water, to insist in a thermos 4 hours, to filter. At therapy of hepatitis and cholecystitis to accept in a warm look 60 ml just before meal 3 times a day within 3-4 weeks.
According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.
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