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Зентел таблеткиZentel – antivermicular and anti-protozoan (suppresses life activity of protozoa) drug.

Pharmacological action

Zentel is active concerning intestinal and fabric forms of parasites, eggs, larvae and adult helminths. Active ingredient of drug – albendazole.

Use Zentel promotes disturbance of processes of transport of glucose, functional frustration in an organism of helminth, the subsequent his death and to removal from a human body.

After oral administration Zentel is absorbed badly, reception of greasy food considerably strengthens this process. The maximum concentration Zentel in blood is observed in 2-5 hours after use. Zentel preferential through intestines with bile and in insignificant quantity with urine is brought.

Indications to use Zentel

The instruction recommends to appoint drug Zentel at:

  • enterobiosis (the parasitic disease caused by pinworms);
  • teniosis (the disease affecting a small intestine the pork tapeworm causes);
  • hymenolepiasis (the disturbance of functions of a nervous system and digestive disturbance provoked by defeat of an organism tape-worms);
  • to ankilostomidoza (activators the ankylostoma or a nekator act);
  • ascaridosis (the disease caused by ascarids affects lungs and intestines);
  • clonorchosis (the chronic helminthosis affecting a pancreas, a gall bladder and bilious channels);
  • trichuriasis (intoxication and damage of intestines provoked by helminth a threadworm);
  • to olistorkhoza (the disease caused by parasitic flat worms affects a pancreas and a liver);
  • lambliasis at children (activators microorganisms of family of protozoa – a lyambliya are);
  • skin syndrome of Larva Migrans (gyrose inflammations on the skin caused by larvae of nematodes);
  • cystous echinococcosis (development in a liver, easy and other bodies of cystous and single educations which provoke larvae of tape-worms);
  • to gepatikoleza (the parasitic disease which is expressed in development of hepatitis and the accompanying its complications);
  • neurocysticercosis (the damage of the central nervous system caused by cestodes);
  • to gnatostomoza (helminthosis of which hypostases, dermatitis, education under skin of nodes, damage of eyes, lungs, TsNS are characteristic);
  • to toksokaroza (the disease provoked by nematodes which is characterized by bronchitis, fever, pneumonia, an eosinophilia);
  • trichinosis (the parasitic disease which is shown in the form of fever, muscle pains, a face edema, skin rashes, increase in number of eosinophils in blood).

Zentel, responses confirm, is effective concerning all above-mentioned parasitic diseases.

Application instruction Zentel

Zentel is issued in the form of tablets and suspension for oral administration. It is necessary to accept Zentel at the same time during food. Reviews of Zentel and the instruction recommend to repeat a course of treatment if after three weeks of administration of drug there did not occur clinical improvement.

The recommended single dose for adults and children is more senior than three years makes usually 400 mg of albendazole that there corresponds to 1 tablet of drug Zentel. At a dochmiasis, an enterobiosis, an askardoza, a necatoriasis and a trichuriasis of 400 mg Zentel accept once.

According to the instruction to Zentel, at a strongyloidosis, a hymenolepiasis, a temnoza it is necessary to accept 400 mg of drug a day within three days.

At a hymenolepiasis in a piece from 10 to 21 days after the termination of a course it is recommended to repeat treatment. Use Zentel twice a day on 400 mg for 3 days is reasonable at an opisthorchosis and a clonorchosis. The same dose of drug is accepted within 1-3 days at a skin syndrome of Larva Migrans once a day.

At a lambliasis at children of 3-12 years, having kept a dose and frequency rate of receptions, use duration Zentel increase up to 5 days. To children of 2-3 years appoint the same doses of drug, as the adult at similar diseases, only in the form of suspension which 10 ml correspond to 400 mg of albendazole.

Once a day on 1 tablet Zentel for 10 days accept at a gepatikoleza and within 10-20 days - at a gnatostomoza. Treatment of a toksakaroz and trichinosis assumes use Zentel two times a day on two tablets for 5-10 days. Efficiency of this mode of dosing is confirmed by reviews of Zentel and therapeutic practice.

Long use Zentel in high doses assumes administration of drug by several courses, usually with two-week breaks.

Зентел суспензияAt a cystic echinococcosis, inoperable or multiple cysts use Zentel is expected a four-week course which it is possible to repeat to three times. At an alveolar echinococcosis treatment by drug Zentel can last several months or years at observance of alternations of four-week courses and two-week breaks. For 7 – 30 days the instruction recommends to accept Zentel at neurocysticercosis.

To patients with the body weight exceeding 60 kg usually appoint 400 mg of drug two times a day. With a smaller weight a daily dose Zentel counted on two receptions is found by the patient by multiplication of 15 mg of drug by the number of kilograms, at the same time the most admissible day dose should not exceed 800 mg. To children up to 6 years the instruction does not recommend to accept high doses of drug Zentel.

Side effects

Zentel responses and clinical trials refer a headache, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, an abdominal pain, diarrhea, urticaria, rash, an itch to undesirable effects of drug.

Also use Zentel can provoke a reversible hair loss, fever, Stephens-Johnson's syndrome, a leukopenia, increase in level of liver enzymes, hepatitis.

Contraindications to use Zentel

Zentel is not appointed to the women planning pregnancy, bearing the child and nursing. Use Zentel is contraindicated to people with hypersensitivity to albendazole, and also children till 1 year. Drug use only in the form of suspension is authorized to children of 1-3 years.

Additional information

According to the instruction, Zentel is considered suitable for 5 years on condition of his storage in the place where air temperature does not exceed 250C.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.