Main > Food stuffs> Zizifus


Whether you happened to try fruits of a zizifus? According to scientists, they are capable to win against an idiopathic hypertensia if to eat daily on two tens fruits for three months. The advantage of a zizifus is that its fruits strengthen immunity, raise a lactation, and also perfectly tone up an organism not worse than tea, coffee, a ginseng and an eleuterokokk. Thanks to the curative properties зизифус enters the five of the best medicinal plants of the world, and it is recognized not only in national, but also in scientific medicine.


Origin of a zizifus

Only in our country this plant is known under a name зизифус, in other regions and the countries it is called an unabi, a yuyyuyba, by the Chinese date, chest berry, анаб, silon, Ilan a Russian olive, etc. Zizifus – ideally gets accustomed in any droughty climate, but he is from China. In this country the plant is cultivated by more than four thousand years and today grow up more than 400 of its grades. However, in Japan, the Himalayas, Small and medium Asia, and of course, in China can meet also wild predecessors of a zizifus. An unabi – a tree height on average from 3 to 8 m though in China it can grow to 20 m, and in India – and to 30 m.

When fruits of a zizifus – round fleshy stone fruit keep up – they fall down together with escapes on which grow therefore in the homeland of this tree fruits do not collect, and just shake poles. Not only fruits, but also wood which perfectly gives in to polish, and also bark which is applied to a dressing are of value.

Advantage of a zizifus

This bush not accidentally enters the five of the most valuable medicinal plants. Advantage of a zizifus not only in its caloric content though in 100 g of an edible part of a fruit 59-100 kcal contain. The main feature of this plant – the high content of vitamin C in fruits. Besides, pulp of fruits contains B1, B2, B5 vitamins, beta carotene, steroids.

Fruits of a zizifus are rich:

  • Calcium;
  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Iodine.

Roots, bark and leaves contain alkaloids, tannins, saponins, steroids, coumarins and other valuable connections. Leaves of a zizifus besides contain Rutinum.

In traditional medicine all parts of a plant from fruits to wood are used. In the medical purposes generally fresh fruits are applied, but it can be used and dried зизифус. Fruits of an unabi are applied as the means normalizing blood pressure, helping to cope with cold and cough. In certain cases they are applied at diseases of a liver and kidneys, an anemia, the raised cholesterol, tuberculosis, nervous exhaustion, and also as tonic at recovery after infectious diseases.

In traditional medicine is known of properties of a zizifus much more. For example, representatives of east medicine apply unabi fruits to normalization of a metabolism, at gastritis, a neurasthenia, an adynamy, a depression, persistent infections, rheumatism and different forms of tuberculosis. Also the plant is known as anti-inflammatory drug at respiratory diseases, for example, broth of a zizifus helps at short wind, bronchitis, cough, whooping cough, from here and one of names – "chest berry".

In Central Asia fresh and dried зизифус it is used as haemo static, expectorant, emollient means, as drug against stenocardia, ascites, a gastralgia, cystitis. In Tajikistan зизифус it is esteemed as a fruit which increases vitality. It is applied also at inflammatory diseases of an oral cavity.

As it was already told above, properties of a zizifus are not limited to curative advantage of its fruits. In the medical purposes also other parts of a plant are used. For example, in the Korean medicine bark of trees of which means from a stomach ache and intestines is made is used. And from leaves drugs for a lowering of arterial pressure prepare.

Плоды зизифуса

You can also try ancient recipes to estimate advantage of a zizifus. For example, for treatment of cold in combination with the increased temperature it is recommended to pound 10 fruits of an unabi with 20 fruits of plum and honey. To make balls of the received mix the size about plum which are recommended to be accepted on one in day. At badly beginning to live damages of skin it is recommended to make зизифус and to often wash out broth sick sites. For treatment of abscesses and abscesses it is recommended to prepare ointment from leaves of a zizifus. For this purpose mix 100 g of fresh leaves and 500 g of oil then heat mix, without bringing to boiling, and insist within 14 days.

But of course, in addition to curative properties, зизифус has also gastronomic value. Though its fruits in itself have mediocre taste, but they come out remarkable juice, marinades, jam, a fruit candy. From a dried zizifus various drinks prepare. And, perhaps, the most rare and nutritious delicacy are candied fruits from a zizifus. What is very valuable, after processing in fruits remains to 95% of vitamins and biologically active compounds - it is approximately in 40 times more, than in apples and pears. And if you still did not decide to try this valuable fruit, then it is worth trying.

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In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.